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Recently disability support pension

Community Member

Hi I suffer from major Depressive and anxiety disorder and have been for the last 5 years. I have been on Newstart allowance and now they are giving me the runaround so I was told by them do apply for the dsp.

My my question is has anybody recently applied for it and how’d you do?? I have an appointment tomorrow for a job assessment before they make a decision which I don’t understand and I’m already receiveing calls my a job employer wanting to book an appoint with them.

Any tips ops you could give? I have given all my paper work in including letters from gp and psychiatrist. Just unsure if I have enough.

I was read some forum posts from a couple years ago saying it was extremely hard so just want to know if anything’s changes?


20 Replies 20

Community Member
Hi Geoff. I can’t seem to see that thread.