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Recently disability support pension

Community Member

Hi I suffer from major Depressive and anxiety disorder and have been for the last 5 years. I have been on Newstart allowance and now they are giving me the runaround so I was told by them do apply for the dsp.

My my question is has anybody recently applied for it and how’d you do?? I have an appointment tomorrow for a job assessment before they make a decision which I don’t understand and I’m already receiveing calls my a job employer wanting to book an appoint with them.

Any tips ops you could give? I have given all my paper work in including letters from gp and psychiatrist. Just unsure if I have enough.

I was read some forum posts from a couple years ago saying it was extremely hard so just want to know if anything’s changes?


20 Replies 20

Community Member

My nephew is in his 20s and is agrophobic/anti-social (not sure of spelling,doesn't leave the house)

I guess he didn't have any trouble because they had to go to him. He was not able to go to them.

The forms I was recollecting were from when I went which yes, that was a while ago.

Community Member
Interesting. Would you say your nephew suffers similar to depression and anxiety ?

Community Member

I know I am the one that brought it up so, I do apologise but I feel uncomfortable going indepth about my nephew.

Community Member
Interesting situation you have there Rob, I too recently applied for DSP and have had a JCA, I’ve been progressed to a DMA now - under 35 and studying too!

Community Member
Good luck! Would like to know how it turns out

Community Member
Will keep you posted!

The impairment tables have been in force since the Gillard government, (refer to Rob's post)

They will do a JCA pay particular attention to working hours. Be descriptive as to how your work capacity is effected by health conditions, *if* and *when* asked. 
See the Department of Human Services website to find the participation requirements for the Disability Support pension.

JCA won't let you know the outcome, *guidelines*..which is incredibly bad for people with anxiety issues who just need relief from punitive actions by the government. They also won't give you a copy of the JCA, so make sure to remember and write down what you said in the interview, as they compare these on your file in future JCAs. This is why it's important to tell the truth.

Job Service Providers get paid per head for intake as well as different services they provide e.g helping the client change the font and adjust the whitespacing on their resumes, providing dirty decade old computers for job searches you could do at home, job clubs where they teach you how to sell a pen because they saw that in a movie FYI the response of "because I can perform a tracheotomy on you with a pen" is not a valid response.If they actually find you an employer and a job that lasts much longer than it takes for them to get their cut, I'll give you my first born.

When I did my DSP assessment back in the day, I made sure I had a mental health history , a psychiatrist, GP, history dating back years works well. If you haven't seen a doctor for a while, start going regularly, make sure you utilise mental health staff, medical certificates are also useful. Finally, if you need, take backup support to the interview, even if you don't think you do, it's also a good idea to have them there.

The successive governments made the requirements harder for DSP,



Yes I provided all my background and details. Also had back up letters from psychiatrist and local Jp noting history of depression plus I always send in a medical form when 1 runs out.

I was told by the job agency because I signed to new start at the beginning it’s an automatic 4 hour a week job search/work but since I had medical cert I got exempt for 2 years but as soon as that 2 years ends the exemptions automatically stop.

I had to go in to sign a job agreement even this I was not in the right place just to get my money. So I rang Centrelink up and the guy goes the only way your going to get an exemption is if I apply for disability which gives me 3months which I did. So next step will be asking for a review of their decision

Community Member
Hey Liza. How did this end up going for you?

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Pspd, have a look at ArtLover's thread, it may give you another thought to concern.
