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Recently Diagnosed

Community Member
Hello- I probably wont sound any different to every other new person that comes on to Beyond Blue, but I will share my little bit as well... I am a young mother & wife. Yesterday, I was diagnosed with high to extreme depression & high stress levels. Ive known for years about my depression (well before my children) but I thought it would go away. I am an adolescent victim of sexual & physical abuse. I "fixed" it by suppressing as many bad memories as I possibly could. But, in each year that I get older, I find myself more withdrawn, negative & generally unwell. Ive had my fair share of mental breakdowns in the last few months; unexplained crying, paranoia, angry outbursts, unable to sleep-yet extremely tired, irritable etc But a few recent turn of events pushed me to finally see a GP yesterday & finally get the help that I know I need!! On the 8th of this month, a family member of mine comitted suicide. While we didnt have a relationship as such, his choice stuck in my mind. It really got me thinking... not that I wanted to harm myself but about all those times when ive just wanted to be "gone". I sat with my husband & I asked him in all seriousness 'Is there something wrong with me?' He couldnt answer me with a straight yes or no, instead, he could only give me examples of my behaviour & our conversations (aka my rants) & left me to make up my own mind. I cried & cried listening to just how much & how often I made him & our children feel worthless. I began recalling situations with them all where I knew I upset them & I couldnt explain why I did? Or how my words were someone elses fault. Full of self hatred & confusion, I did what so many of us do & I started googling. I was led to many different questionaires to check for different mental health issues. EVERYTHING kept telling me I have bipolar. This seriously scares the hell out of me as there is history of manic depression on one side of the family & schizophrenia & bipolar on the other. Monday, I woke up & lived out my day in denial like I did for sooo many years-nope-nothing is wrong, im "normal" im just doing my usual, over thinking things... then I woke up in tears yesterday uncontrollably. My husband & babies standing there speechless-  watching me sob - with No explanation- I knew I had to do something about this Now! It was really hard to confront this illness after concealing it for years, but I am determined to conquer it & get better to be the very Best wife & Mum I can be!!

beyondblue's clinically-trained moderators often work offline (invisible to you) on issues relating to suicide or self-harm. At the same time, general supportive comments from the community are encouraged. If you have concerns around suicide or self-harm, please phone our support service on 1300 22 4636.
13 Replies 13

Thank you 🙂

Hi mumunknown,

My wife also has depression, the sleeping type unlike me.

When either of us are down we can help and understand one another. When both of us are down we have big problems.

So we developed an agreement. When both of us are down we each accept that we are individually unable to be supportive of the other and we assume each of us cares and loves each other greatly. Then the first person to become well enough to give affection and support to the other does so.

It works. It takes deep faith and it takes commitment.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Mumunknown,

My psychologist gave me an exercise that required becoming more aware of my feelings, and just accepting that they are there (without trying to bury them).  I decided to record those experiences.  I was so excited the first time I wrote down a nice feeling.

My memory and concentration has been severely impacted by depression.  Even though I no longer have negative feelings, my memory and concentration hasn't fully returned yet, but it is improving.

I did end up carrying a small notebook and pencil to remember things.  I would have used my phone, but being confronted with all the apps would distract me and I would forget what I was supposed to be doing.  It did help.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey White Knight,

Funny the different ways we get affected.  I didn't have the sleeping kind either, but when anxiety affects my wife, all she wants to do is sleep.

I like the arrangement you have with your wife. 🙂
