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Not sure what's wrong with me

Community Member
Hi. First time on here, but really it's my last option. Two years back when I was 16, out of the blue I felt as if I just couldn't think properly anymore and felt like I had lost all emotional responses to things. Previously easy social interactions became a challange, like that natural flow of ideas and thoghts was just gone. At the same time my sleep went to crap. Like two hours of sleep every second night. waited for it to pass but it never did, I also thought it may have been that medication I was taking for my adhd had stopped working. Got my doctor to change my adhd medication but it did nothing to improve these issues.
Doctor put me on antidepressants and I think I was diagnosed with depression. So far I've tried multiple different medications. None of them have done much to improve these issues. It's been 2 years now, been on 4 antidepressants, been to 3 specialist and 2 psychologists, and no one has given me a straight answer to what's causing my issues. My sleep issues have went away, but nothing else has. Either I'm crazy or they're avoiding my questions.
So yeah, that's where I'm at, still don't know what's wrong with me.
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Matt

I am so happy you have reached out to come and get some support, while I am no professional and I don't know about the medications nor do I know about what the doctors have been through with you, I would like to offer you some comfort.

I think it is wonderful that you have been to see a few different specialists, sometimes you get lucky and click with the first person you see, other times it can take a few different doctors before you find the one that is helpful to you, and I feel like the latter is more common. I am just so proud of you for going to see someone and opening up about how you are feeling, there is so much on teenagers plates these days, school, friends, relationships, uni, what am I going to be, what is expected of me..so very very much.

Do you have any hobbies or interests, things you can do to make you feel a little bit of relief and give you a break from the sadness? If the answer is no, that is ok too, please don't feel like you should have.....do you have any pets, I find spending time just sitting on the floor with my cats really makes me feel happy.

I am so sorry you are going through this rough time and I can see you are doing so much to help yourself which is wonderful. Please come back and chat anytime, just to get it off your chest, we are here for you Matt.

Hugs to you


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Just going to say that this experience matches mine a lot, too much i still dont know whats wrong with me and i need help

Community Member
Hi Matt.

I know how scary that can be. I'm guessing you're 18 now? Are you still at school or studying? Sometimes, when we're in our final years of school, it can be very stressful. I'm thinking back to when I was at school and the amount of stress and pressure my teachers put me on, just thinking about what subjects I wanted to do for my VCE (or HSC if you're not in victoria) and that got me super stressed and I had many sleepless nights.

I'm not a doctor or a professional, so please don't take this as a diagnosis, I'm just trying to offer another perspective, as it may not be depression at all, but something completely different.

Anyway, i have a very close friend and when he was your age, he started having all these "weird" symptoms. Not sleeping properly, blurred vision, pins and needles, trouble with his speech etc. Pretty full on stuff. He was told by people he was studying too hard, was stressed out coz of school blah blah blah. Symptoms continued even after he finished school. In the end, at the age of 21, he was finally diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Now I'm not saying you have MS, as I'm not a doctor, but perhaps you could suggest to your doctor about getting blood tests or a CT scan? Just to rule out other possible medical issues? I know that sounds ridiculously scary, but it might be something to consider?

Good luck! I hope you can get some answers! ❤