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No medication helps with my anxiety or depression

Community Member

Hi everyone, over the years I’ve struggled with a lot of stuff and my main issues come from trying different meds for anxiety and depression, I wake up every morning thinking what’s the point of even getting up, or when I do get up to go somewhere I have a anxiety attack while driving and unfortunately nothing that the gp has prescribed me works, oh just up your dose he says, I don’t think taking heaps of benzodiazepines is the best idea whilst driving, I’m tired ALL the time even when I think I’ve had a good sleep I’m still tired all day, I’m trying to get back on my feet and find a job so I can give my wife and myself the life we deserve but it feels like everything I do is against me, and as I’m writing this out I’ve got tears streaming down my face for no reason

hopefully someone can help me

cause I’m seriously over it


3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi paulGC

sorry that your sad, I am not the best helper but I will try. First of all in my experience I don’t think medication is the answer to everything. I think maybe you should take a brake from the driving for a while as no one would want to see you crash, try to take public transport if you can. I reckon half the problem could be the medications I take anxiety pills and I feel a lot more tried then I originally was also because you need to feel motivated, how about you telling your wife how much you love her and what you are going through if you haven’t already done so. It’s nice that your trying to find a job but just remember do what makes you happy 😆

I am only 18 by the way so I am a beginner 😂

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Paul GC and welcome to the forums.

Is your care and medication managed solely by your GP?

I ask this because as good as GPs are they aren't specialists in mental health. You need a psychiatrist for that. A psychiatrist can also give you a diagnosis which doesn't sound difficult but I know personally it can make a huge difference.

Initally I was diagnosed with major depression. However lately my psychiatrist decided he wanted to explore the potential for ADHD also. Now I'm on meds for both and even after only 48 hours I feel different in a good way. For the last 48 hours I haven't been suicidal. And that's HUGE because even managing depression well those thoughts had never left me.

Being diagnosed correctly and treated appropriately is important.

What do you think? Is this something you might consider?

I threw the idea out there because you sound exhausted. Many of us have been there too and relate. You're welcome here. Even if our ideas don't help you find solutions it does help to be able to talk to people who do understand from experience.


Community Member

Hi Nat,

yes was diagnosed from a psychiatrist with depression, anxiety and add, but I’m not taking meds for add anymore as it was effecting my sleep,

I found the meds not to work as I’m a bigger guy and even when my gp said to up the dose for both I noticed that it had no effect,

even after seeing my psychiatrist he suggested taking different medication which as a whole scares me,

as I know how potent it is and not sure how I’ll cope with work and being a dad while on these meds,

@Crazy Hyper Girl

unfortunately my wife struggles, with some mental illnesses also, ASD and anxiety also but her anxiety is nowhere on my level,

I’m someone who tends not to have a big friend base and even when I’m out with my friends I tend do the fake smile routine as if nothing is wrong

big crowds scare me and I tend to be a home body

thanks Paul