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My story so far

Community Member
Over 2 years ago I had what I know now to be massive mental breakdown.
I was living on my own. No partner and feeling like I was totally alone.
One day while starting a new job in high pressure sales something changed in me.
I rang in sick and just to get out of my unit I starting walking along the beach.
I felt like a zombie to be honest and starting feeling like I was shutting down!
Some how I went to my local GP and couldn't stop crying. He called for an ambulance
and then I found myself in a mental ward in hospital. How did I get there
I was asking myself! I had depression and had a mental breakdown.
The support staff asked me what stopped you from ending your life?
I said my daughter's! They then said, they are you anchors. It's true they are.
I got over that period and am now successful in a new job 2 years later.
I hope I can help others here to find their anchors and prepared to one for
Others. Thankyou for letting me share my story 🙂
3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Paul,

Welcome to the forums..

I listened to your words..and wanted to thank you..It’s always beautiful to hear that it’s possible to find the light (anchor) and win the battle with depression...It’s heartwarming ...Congratulations...and I hope that you continue to get stronger each day and be a success at what ever you choose do...

Kind thoughts Dear Paul...and some cyber hugs..


Community Member
Thankyou so much!

Hi Paul

I echo Grandy's thoughts about your heartfelt post! You are wonderful example of how we can find some peace in our lives...What a motivating post...and thankyou Paul

Congratulations on not only having a new job....but also being successful with your new role too!

If and when you have the time you are always more than welcome to provide support to people on the forums Paul

Great to have you as a part of the Beyond Blue family 🙂

my kind thoughts and appreciation for your inspirational post
