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Jeriava How do I talk to my doctor?
  • replies: 9

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really ... View more

I’ve been struggling with my life for the past 7-8 years but I finally made an appointment with a doctor. I feel really scared though because I don’t ever go to the doctor for anything, and I havent seen this doctor for so many years that I’m really scared that they’ll judge me or won’t believe anything I say. I’m really anti social so I feel like I won’t be able to say what I wanna say or I’ll say the wrong thing causing them to just dismiss me and move me along without helping. I’m just tired of feeling alone, depressed and just worthless but I’m really scared to talk to them.

Chris_B Are you looking to support someone else with depression? PLEASE READ before posting
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This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and f... View more

This forum is for people seeking support for their own mental health issues. If you're posting on behalf of someone else with a mental health issue that you're concerned about, please have a look at this section of our forums: Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition It's full of threads from people who have family members and friends going through anxiety, depression or other related conditions. Have a read through the threads there, and feel free to take part in the discussions. Below are also some helpful beyondblue resources you might want to look through first as well: Supporting someone Have the conversation

  • replies: 132

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the ... View more

Hi Everyone, Here are some ideas you might like to try for managing symptoms of depression. Of course everyone's different, so let us know what works for you, and please feel free to add to the list... Mindfulness – through breathing or engaging the 5 senses Distress Tolerance – Accepting Emotions and Self Soothing Distraction – Put the thoughts/feelings aside and come back to them when you are ready to deal with them Positive Affirmations – Have some affirmations written down repeat them to yourself daily Sleep/Exercise/Diet – All 3 aspects of our lifestyle can impact the way we think/feel Increasing Pleasurable Activities – Engage in at least one pleasurable activity per day

All discussions

Mejo Never thought I would be doing this.
  • replies: 1

Hi, I don't even know what to say...I'm an international student in melbourne (almost 2 years), for the first time in my life I need support and need to talk. I was wondering if there is any support group you know of...I'm sorry if this is not the ap... View more

Hi, I don't even know what to say...I'm an international student in melbourne (almost 2 years), for the first time in my life I need support and need to talk. I was wondering if there is any support group you know of...I'm sorry if this is not the appropiate thread or forum I'm new to this. Thanks

Not_today How do I tell my boyfriend? Also Uni and depression
  • replies: 4

So I've told my partner that I have depression from the start of our relationship 2 and half years ago. Although it's been so bad lately I've been crying everyday and not wanting to get out of bed. Although when I do see him a couple times a week I'm... View more

So I've told my partner that I have depression from the start of our relationship 2 and half years ago. Although it's been so bad lately I've been crying everyday and not wanting to get out of bed. Although when I do see him a couple times a week I'm happy and it feels like I'm hiding it all unintentionally. Like I feel my whole world crumbling apart but to him I must look fine. I feel like I need to say something but I don't know how. Like hey I'm really depressed! Wooo and then I ball my eyes out and hell just be sad. Like what does that achieve is it better just keeping it as it is? I don't know how to be depressed and not bring people down with me that are around me. How should I go about this without being a burden? Also for anyone out there doing university how do you deal with uni and depression literally can't cope anymore. I'm in my 3rd year about to graduate yet I can't cope I'm having mental breakdowns and am so depressed. But the idea of stopping just makes me feel like a failure and letting everyone down. Ive made it through the whole semester just have to pass the exams but I just don't even know if I can do that. Help

Lambofsam Feels like depression is my comfort zone
  • replies: 1

This is extremely difficult for me to talk about, as it always is when I even try to talk about my depression and anxiety. I'm 26 year old male who worries about eveything, was in a long relationship about to get married, and she ended it (which was ... View more

This is extremely difficult for me to talk about, as it always is when I even try to talk about my depression and anxiety. I'm 26 year old male who worries about eveything, was in a long relationship about to get married, and she ended it (which was the best thing for both of us, but lonlyness is a hell of a thing), everytime I get close to being a little happier I screw it up for myself,still hung up on my father's deaths when I was 17. . I quit my dream job out of fear of time off due to endless hours of wanting to end it, pretty much every day and I had to put on a face of basic maleness as just pretend shit was good. It got to the point where I just couldn't do it anymore so I left. I have tried to hold 2 jobs since then but all I seem to do is struggle getting out of bed and have to try and get through it. I'm on my third job now which I actually enjoy, everyone is nice and I enjoy the work. But I have had time off and I'm so early into the job again. I'm back on my medication on a high dose which has messed me up big time. Headaches, feeling worthless, the usual? Today I had to take another day off because I had a massive panic attack before I was about to leave and just felt off, feeling numb and just not myself today. I don't know what to do, I'm probabaly going to lose my job in the end I think. Honestly it feels ever since everything that's happened, I try and I try but it never gets better, it always just goes back to shit. I don't know what to do anymore. If you read this thank you.

Cellardoor Hi, I’m new here
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Hello I’m here because I feel extremely lonely and somehow talking to strangers about how I feel is better than trying to tell my friends. It really feels like no one cares about me. I have friends at work, friends from uni, friends I’ve known since ... View more

Hello I’m here because I feel extremely lonely and somehow talking to strangers about how I feel is better than trying to tell my friends. It really feels like no one cares about me. I have friends at work, friends from uni, friends I’ve known since year 7 (known them for 13 years now), and siblings and family and cousins but it honestly feels like not a single person truly understands me, or wants to spend time with me, or actually cares. Maybe they’ll ask how my day was, or give me a hug when I’m upset, or go out somewhere with me for fun. But it always feels empty. I feel often that people tune out when I tell them how I am. Or they’ll listen but not seem to care beyond being there in the moment, but after that it’s just like I’m all alone again. I’ve always seemed to care more in relationships than the other person, and so it makes me less and less inclined to seek any sort of friendships because I’m tired of the feeling I get when they stop caring or trying to see me. I feel unhappy and lonely every single day, every time I hang out with people or work or do uni it’s a welcome distraction, but as soon as that’s over I just feel awful and lonely and empty inside. It feels like I never have any energy, and a lot of the time, thinking about how I could die is such a peaceful, happy, calming thought, it’s the most effective way I’ve found to feel better. Above things I love like music or food or animals or maths or sport, it feels like genuine happiness instead of forced like when I try to do these activities. ive already been told time and time again to do new things and join communities but I’ve done this so much, trying to meet new people and constantly being unsuccessful has left me drained and tired of this. Really I feel tired in general, and the only motivation I have to keep going each day is societal pressure to keep acting like everything is ok. I’m just tired of everything, including these feelings, and ending everything feels like where I will go if it ever gets worse than it is now. Well, that’s an essay but I just wanted to be honest.

Miiss I dont even know who I am anymore. Lost all sense of purpose.
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First time posting and while I think it's still pointless, At least I finally said it, gotten it off my chest. *Edited* I'm sorry, I know it's meant to be kept short-ish, but this is the first time I have even spoken about this and it just kept going... View more

First time posting and while I think it's still pointless, At least I finally said it, gotten it off my chest. *Edited* I'm sorry, I know it's meant to be kept short-ish, but this is the first time I have even spoken about this and it just kept going. So please please dont feel like you need to read it! I just needed that outlet. I have had server depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember I've learnt to "handle it" by numbing it out. Hasnt always worked in my favor tho. Ive written this a few times now and just lost on what to write well actually just lost in general. I have to keep telling myself that although I dont feel it I'm lucky and blessed. As I know no matter what, there are people out there worse off then me. I have gotten to the stage that I have buried every crappy thing that was thrown my way. Where I've convinced myself that it was just a book that I had read. I dont even know if that makes sense. I've haven't been dealt the best hand when it comes to life. From the time I was 10 I was on my own. Slept on the streets, stuck with people that only dealt with me because they got paid. Never had anything that was just mine, Lost everything over and over again.(I Was placed in the foster system) obviously a lot to that story. But I've never been able to forgive my mum and dad for abandoning me, and putting me in that situation. while my siblings had the life that people would dream of. And it just kept going downhill from there, finally moved back here at 18. Where I met my ex, Feel pregnant. Ended up homeless again. Lost my child to his mother. The list goes on. The last few years Ive worked extremely hard and im finally in the best situation in my life. I have a loving partner, I have my 3 beautiful boys who I adore, who have made me a better person, we have a roof over our head, and food on the table. But I cant help but feel the lowest I have ever been. I dont even know who Iam anymore. Everything I once used to love to do has disappeared, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Like im going bat shit crazy. I'm over being all over the shop, over constantly being anxious, sad, angry, and emotional and just straight out numb. Surely theres more to the world then this, more than just emptiness. I have to hope....

BBFFC_95 Is this normal?
  • replies: 3

I feel like a completely different person when im with my friends. I don't get to see them often as we all work different schedules, but on that rare occaision it's great. I feel genuinly happy with them, I can laugh and smile with them without feeli... View more

I feel like a completely different person when im with my friends. I don't get to see them often as we all work different schedules, but on that rare occaision it's great. I feel genuinly happy with them, I can laugh and smile with them without feeling any stress. I love them. However as soon as they're gone I hit the wall again, every single time. It's like as soon as i close the car door after saying goodbye i go numb and weak. Does anyone else experience this? Or any advice to combat this? I haven't brought it up to my doctor or psychologist, but I plan on it next time I see them. Thank you.

Merkles Feel completely lost
  • replies: 9

Hi guys, Not sure where to start.. I'm a 27 year old male, however I feel so lost in life, I find 0 enjoyment in any activities, everything feels like a chore that I need to build up effort to do. My brain is constantly thinking 24/7 about all of lif... View more

Hi guys, Not sure where to start.. I'm a 27 year old male, however I feel so lost in life, I find 0 enjoyment in any activities, everything feels like a chore that I need to build up effort to do. My brain is constantly thinking 24/7 about all of lifes stress. Since a young age I've always been a constant worrier, felt like I used to have to walk on eggshells in my house to keep the peace between my brothers & my father (They never got a long) The early years of my twenties were not too bad, I did suffer a few panic attacks and had anxiety, however I did enjoy life and what it had to offer, now it seems the older I get, the less I enjoy things, I don't see the point in anything. One of the emotions I do feel is loneliness, I have family that care about me, but my friends are moving on with their life and I'm still yet to find anyone that will give me a chance, I have low self esteem that stems from bullying when I was younger, so I find it hard to trust people when they compliment me. I've been on medication in the past for my anxiety, however I am strongly considering getting back on it as each day is so bleak I feel like crying and giving up. I have this constant fear in the back of my mind that I'll be alone forever, I'll be an old man with no family or friends or anyone, and I'll die alone, and it scares the shit out of me. Does anyone else feel like this, or have any advice? I work full time, I come home and I smoke cannabis as it seems to be the thing that relaxes me, but now I'm not sure if this is adding to making me worse? I'm just so confused and lost

Chermimi Depression from unexpected broke up and relationship issues
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Hi everyone, I am currently experiencing huge relationship issues with my boyfriend. Both of us tried to broke up with each other many times due to unsolvable family issue in the past couple months but all failed. We used to have so many beautiful me... View more

Hi everyone, I am currently experiencing huge relationship issues with my boyfriend. Both of us tried to broke up with each other many times due to unsolvable family issue in the past couple months but all failed. We used to have so many beautiful memories/times together. I could still remember the time we were holding our hands and keeps kissing each other everywhere we go. However after so many on and off in this relationship, I can no longer feel any joy and happiness between us, however every break up makes me extremally painful, there are many times I want to finish my life, but I still don't have enough nerve to do so. Now, I found myself extremely depressed and feeling very uncomfortable both mentally & physically. I do not want to share all of this with my friends and family because I don't want people to worry and don't wanna answer any follow-up questions.

Myzz_Harper Overwhelmed exhausted and over everything.
  • replies: 1

Hello this is my first post. I have visited + read threads on and off over the years this is my first time back in a long time. I have noticed a change in Beyond Blue for the better and have made use of some of those improvements so good on all who a... View more

Hello this is my first post. I have visited + read threads on and off over the years this is my first time back in a long time. I have noticed a change in Beyond Blue for the better and have made use of some of those improvements so good on all who are involved. I am 60 years old and my life has evaporated without me noticing. I am so angry upset disappointed in myself and a system that allows people like me to slip through the cracks. I am a functioning depressive functioning enough to work when I can to earn just enough to live.i feel tired, anxious, apathetic at other times and just about gave up on finding help. Having to repeat a selection of problems a lifetimes worth in 1 hour to a new shrink or psychologist who is often overworked or actually just bored to death by other people’s problems often just make you feel worse. It’s not OK being a depressive, I am not OK and no amount of govt funding is going to make that campaign any more than a feel good except size. Oops I digress. I don’t want Dysthymia, Existential Depression (I think therefore I am depressed) to ruled what time I have left. I have so little hope or energy left, no money for expensive help and find 8 sessions a year with a shrink or psych ( if you can find one) very unsatisfactory ( useless) also SA seems to have limited resources if you don’t fit into the right category. White, post menopausal, slowly dying.

Andy999 Could do with some advice, doing it tough
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Hey i’ll try Keep this short, Im a 23 year old male play a lot of sport, have a big social life and in general have a pretty good life, I started suffering anxiety 5-6 years ago (triggered from an ecstasy pill, lots of ups and downs but eventually im... View more

Hey i’ll try Keep this short, Im a 23 year old male play a lot of sport, have a big social life and in general have a pretty good life, I started suffering anxiety 5-6 years ago (triggered from an ecstasy pill, lots of ups and downs but eventually improved heaps over the last 2 years through learning how to manage it, basically my life was good again, I’ve recently relapsed but into a way more depressive state, I’m struggling more then ever before and with my gp I’ve decided to start medication, it seems like my last hope. Any way I thought I’d write down some of my feelings and worries to see if anyone out there had some advice on how to go about this and yeh any tips or even anyone who can relate to me, thanks feelings- Like there is a constant dark cloud over my head, Sometimes i can break out of it when I’m keeping busy or with friends but not a lot -Things become overwhelming, just everything around me freaks me out -It can feel like I’m in some sort of dream state, maybe like a derealization -Things just become less enjoyable, I’m not concerned with the fun things I once was eg (girls and sports and hanging out with mates) -I feel confused -Sometimes it just feels like I’m going crazy, like I’m about to breakdown and just lose my mind -Sometimes can just feel empty and emotionless -It can sometimes feel like I’m dying almost, just like nothing matters anymore and like the old (happy/normal) me is gone, that life is over, something like that it’s hard to describe that feeling -I can feel like I’m I stuck in some sort of drug trip, just like a big loop -Lots of flashbacks of previous good and bad times thoughts/worries- -I keep worrying that I’m stuck like this and it won’t get better -I worry that I won’t be able to handle this anymore and will get to the point that I’m suicidal -I worry that this isn’t just anxiety and depression and that possibly something else is causing it and that I’m not getting treated properly -I worry medication might loop me out and send me crazy -I’m concerned and stressing about my mental health nearly 100% of the day rather then filling my mind with thoughts on other normal day to day stuff -Sometimes I’m able to think about other normal stuff but it always comes back