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Motivation-how to stop thinking & take action

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
The past few weeks I've felt deep depression & anxiety come crashing down on me. My biggest problem is I have a lot that needs doing & I spend hours worrying & thinking about these things, telling myself I'll do it in the next hour & then keep procrastinating to the point I've achieved nothing. My circumstances are difficult-a partner with acute leukemia & 2 children who are acting out & not coping. I'm also involved in a civil case against the Church for abuse I suffered as a child. Yet despite those things I was very strong & coping with it all until 2 weeks ago. Yes I was running on adrenaline but at least I was on top of things in terms of being the main support for my family. Now I'm highly anxious & unable to get it together to do simple things. For example I've done all the washing the past few weeks yet there are 8 baskets in my room that need sorting & put away. It takes me at least an hour each morning to build up myself to even have a shower.im ashamed of this & spent most of my thoughts worrying about what I haven't been able to achieve. Does anyone have tips on how to deal with no motivation, too much worrying & no action?
5 Replies 5

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Mares73,

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time, I hope this gets better soon. Some times I struggle with action, it's hard but I start with trying to do just one little thing, it doesn't matter how small. Maybe for you it could be to put a few clothes away from one basket, don't think about it, just grab a few things and put them away. Then, find some satisfaction from having done something. There is no point in losing energy to guilt, you need your energy to deal with your condition.

Not sure if making a daily list would help? It helps me to prioritise my activities, not everything on the list will get done but it is something to aim for.

What things work for you to reduce your anxiety? Do you have anyone that can come and help you to do some stuff around the house? 


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Mares73!

I am sorry to hear you are going through such a rough period, however we are always here to help and listen. Remember that it's normal for your depression to fire up every now and again, that's the hardest part of recovery. Considering your circumstances, I would be in the same state, as many of us would.

One technique I use to motivate myself is a rewards system. For example, today I have to clean up my room and the lounge room, dust, take out the rubbish and clean the fishtank, and if I do that, I'll reward myself with a big cup of tea and a good sit down in front of the television. Definitely practice the mindset of "if i do this, i'll reward myself with this", and like Jack, I also find making lists helpful, as there is nothing more satisfying than crossing off something you've achieved.

I hope you're feeling better soon!


Community Member

Hi Maresy


Please accept my apologies for my last post to you on your other thread – I got it wrong with regard to the clothes washing issue.


You’ve actually completed all the washing – so just sit back for a moment and say to yourself, “Mega Well Done” for getting this done.  That’s a massive achievement in itself, massive and yet you did it, so please please don’t be telling me that you procrastinate over things and achieve nothing.   BRRRRRRRRR, that’s the sound of the buzzer being pressed that gives a wrong answer – I know that’s not the real sound and that’s more of a sound you make when you’re cold, but you get my drift, I hope.   Oh and by the way it is chilly here today anyway.


So Maresy, yes you have achieved heaps.


Now it’s a matter of dealing out the clothes – so this is part of what I posted to you yesterday in your other thread;   is it possible to get the kids to help;   and a little quick tip, partnering up socks is massively overrated also.  WHO looks at socks?   I’d hazard a guess and say only people who work in shoe stores.   I haven’t worn matching pairs of socks for years and years – just as long as you recognise them as yours, then put ‘em together and voila, the socks get done.


Anyway, just thoughts for you.   Not much in the way of motivation, I’m sorry.



Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Neil you are always so wise & rational you'd make a great therapist! I was reading your posts to another member re exercise & diet & your preparation for an upcoming event. It got me thinking of one of the major issues that gets me down-the significant weight I've gained being on an antidepressant & antipyschotic. I have very little appetite & only manage to eat 1 small meal each day. Yet the weight doesn't shift regardless of the small amounts I eat. My GP has  prescribed a medication for diabetes even though I'm not diabetic as he  said it could increase my metabolism which may not be functioning well as a result of the meds. I'm lost as to what to do next. Any advice very appreciated. Lve Mares x