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Mood changers
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It is understandable that those with mental illness are more moody. An extreme of this is bipolar. Moods are an inherent part of day to day life...such is why mood stabilizer medication is usually prescribed.
Along with such medication, bipolar or not, we should seek a bundle of remedies to approach our illness. Just like relaxation is good for anxiety and therapy good for BPD sufferers, a multi pronged approach is the best way.
With moods we can add these ideas to our arsenal. We have several body sensors that can trigger good feelings and alter our mood.
- Hearing. How many of you have a change in mood when you turn the music on? Make sure you select the up tempo happy music though or your mood can plummet as mine did recently when a sad song from the 1970's reminded me of my dash to the bush escaping society.
- Eyes. Look up. See the blue sky. Today a neighbor told me he saw 13 wedgetailed eagles in the sky at one time. Wow! Clouds, wow! Look at nature. Adore the animals in the sanctuary. Observe.
- Skin. How many of us welcome a hug? Just someone touching us. Words aren't always needed. Argh...someone is here, that's good, that's peaceful...I'm not alone....
- Taste. A mint. A simple lolly can distract your mind that's in a bad place. I love cooking, different tastes. It's turned into a hobby that changes my mood. careful not to bake cakes....they flop = bad mood. Instead I cook thins easily done like donuts, vegetable pies and Anzac biscuits. It also gets positive reaction from family taste testers. That boost confidence.
- Smell. Ever got out of a car at the top of a mountain or in a forest and taken a deep breath? Argh...that's so nice. What about picking roses from your garden and placing them in a vase in eyeshot of your seating position in the lounge? You instantly smile as you sit down. A mood stimulator!!
With the mind we should feed it. Give it what it wants. What is clear is that just remaining stagnant saying to yourself "I'm in a bad mood" is not allowing for any stimulation and we don't believe we can be stimulated because of our mindset. Bad moods are like automatic negative irritations that we think are not controllable, not unlike depressive states. We can usually do something about it. Remember the senses and the apology to the person on the receiving end of our mood.
It might not be your fault but it certainly isn't theirs.
Tony WK
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Hi White Knight
I really like your reminder and want to share something ...
When my daughter fell seriously ill with OCD I was her primary carer. I rarely got a break 24/7, except for short periods of time when my husband was home in the evening or when she was asleep. To say that I was moody or stressed is an understatement.
But I found great relief watching the night sky. What I was experiencing was a sense of awe. And this awe reminded me that I am part of something bigger than myself. I could get out of my own head and look at the world and our problems differently. It made me feel more at-ease. It was about being in the now.
The acute phase of my girl's battle against OCD is thankfully over but I still watch the stars. My family even bought me a telescope for Christmas one year--they know it's good for me and my moods!
I didn't know it at the time but I was tapping into something really powerful. In fact, there are studies out of an American university that show people who frequently experience awe tend to have lower levels of a substance that’s been linked with stress and poor health. Awe has also been linked with increased acts of kindness and generosity.
Never stop looking up!
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Thankyou summer rose
I agree with that awe of the skies. It fascinates me and once one night I was surprised to see through my scope- Saturn with its rings.
I'm happy you have found some release from moods. I've envied many that can laugh every day, smile every moment you ever see them...wonder how they can be so cheerful.
I also get that same awe in being as one with the earth and night time. This is where I got the inspiration to write this poem
Given society a gentle push
Arrived in the corner of the bush
Moved fast lane aside for harmony
Closer to ones own – destiny
Shadow moon shines infinitely
Night owls a symphony
Sitting arms in Buddha pose
Spiders allowed to dance upon my nose
Furry paws best caring hand
No shield needed in wonderland
No internet, no dog and bone
All the stones are never thrown
In the corner of the bush
Give society a gentle push
Blending bark with your skin
Protesters nearby – but they will not win
Children nearby ‘hide and seek’
We all end up as a compost heap
Fun and more fun echoes all around
Some life lived – some never found
Further and further into branches and leaves
Like us, do animals grieve?
Bush no need for duck and weave
Only matters – what you believe
Hark the bells of sanity
No mirror for your vanity
Rocks thrown from a cowards lair
I’m in the bush…no quarry there
Trip over plastic traps
Cradle broken bird in your lap
Send society with that gentle push
From the corner of the bush
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Why, that is truly beautiful. The imagery was touching ... I could hear the owls' song and feel the broken sparrow.
I'm not surprised by the source of your inspiration, "When I consider how, after sunset, the stars come out gradually in troops from behind the hills and woods, I confess that I could not have contrived a more curious and inspiring sight" -- Henry Thoreau
I hope you're continuing to write. You are very talented. Have you ever tried to find a publisher? There are a few poets on this forum and I reckon you could collaborate to publish, with BB's help. Just a thought. Thank you for sharing x
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Hi summer.
Some of my 300 poems are in poetry corner on this site mainly at the beginning.
I tried getting them published about 15 years ago without luck.
I did write my own auto biography. My poems were inserted regularly. Three main characters, me, me under medication and mme the tin soldier side. Mainly based in a jail environment where I worked (warder).
Its still a work in progress.
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Hi White Knight
Thanks for letting me. I haven't really explored the site. But have been meaning to look at the social threads and I will definitely find your poetry. I already know it will be good for my soul.
Keep writing. Good copy doesn't lie.