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- Major Depression, nothing helps
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Major Depression, nothing helps
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Hi all, What do you do when nothing seems to help? I've suffered depression for many years, since my teens (now in 40's). I first went to my doctor in 2001, was put on AD's. Struggled with work, divorced and slid deep into a hole. I have a psychiatrist, my second, who helps a bit but mainly gives me prescriptions. Currently taking four different medications. They help but still get bad periods. I have tried CBT and a phycologist which didn't really help.
I have a good life, good job that pays me well, good wife and 2 children under 10, no debt apart from mortgage. I work part time and do the school runs etc as my wife works full-time including 2 of 4 weekend a month. For a while our son (7) has been a huge handful and nothing i've tried has worked with him. He'll flip out over the smallest thing and kick and hit and throw things. I've read lots of info to try and educate myself with possible solutions but nothing's worked. I've reacted badly a few times which leads to more depression. I'm smoking again which my wife hates so that is causing friction. Feel like walking off into the sun set but never would because of our kids.
Years ago when I was at a bad point I told my family about it but it got swept under the rug. I then admitted myself to hospital for fear of suiciding. I recently again told my mum and she hasn't even asked me if i'm okay since then. I have no one that I can talk to to get it off my chest, which I miss being able to do.
I dream of moving back to the country and simplifying things. Get away from the 'must have all these new things' type of life most seem to live. Unfortunately it won't happen.
What can you do when the depression never completely goes away? At times i'll go months feeling good but then something sets it off and 'bang' i'm depressed again.
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I understand depression is a up hill battle. Since my early teens it has effected my life. A few years ago i finally got put on dual ant anxiety/anti depressants and they help alot. When I'm going through a bad patch some days i go back to bed for like 5min then get up again and reset my day. Looking at photos of my son and husband happy also help to remind me that after the hard times i get the good as well.
When my son was around that age we had a similar problem and put him into a childrens AKIDO class to help teach him focus and discipline. Here in Queensland AKIKIDS is used for children with A.D.D with success. He wasnt A.D.D but could not stay still or focus for long periods of time. Modern life is hard. Inner city schools expect so much and its a bit like keeping up with the Jones.
Would your wife possibly consider a holiday place in the country. I know it works for us and alot of my freinds.
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Man with no name,
Welcome to the forum this is a safe, caring, supportive and friendly place.
Some people think that depression is just a once off and it maybe for some but some people have recurring depression and that can be hard to cope with. Sometimes if you can see a pattern or see what things tend to make it worse.
Have you ever kept a journal to wrote down how you are feeling when depressed as that can help some people. I found it helped me.
You can post here as often as you like and people here will read and be supportive and share some of their own experiences.
Sometimes family find it hard to believe a loved one has depression and it get be easier to sweep it under the carpet. I have bipolar and one relative said to me they thought I would have out grown it by now.
That's why this forum is good for people who understand.
I like Bethie's idea of Akido. It is worth a try.
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I feel terribly sad too today. My family are sympathetic but they can't always help me. I need to see a psychiatrist but just need to make time to do it. I have a big loving family so why do I feel so alone??