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Living with depression

Community Member

Yes it’s quite hard at times because even though I feel “good” quite often I am not. My wife acts as my baseline but recently I suspect that she to is now suffering with depression secondary to putting up with me. Poor thing, I feel awful about it but while I am unwell there’s not much that I can do. Or is there?

So I am just wondering how people ground themselves to reality. I have been through a breakdown, aka break through, and suffered significant cognitive dysfunction afterwards. I am healing slowly but am hoping to find the Holy Grail here. Lol.


2 Replies 2

Community Member

I put my partner through the same thing & he ended up with depression. But he managed to still be patient as much as I felt like giving up sometimes.

We're in a better place now compared to two years ago. Alot of hard work & pushing myself along. Even just to get out of the house & socialise was a mission. Today I'm still a work in progress. I found different passions of mine to help me keep going & eventually passion leading into purpose & living again.

It's not easy but things will get better. You'll find that holy grail.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Julz,

Welcome to the community and Hi to Regine as well.

The ups and downs of depression can be hard to handle for the person experiencing it and for the people who love and care for them.

The Beyond Blue website has information on depression and how to help people with depression. You may find some ideas and strategies there to share with your wife.

Maybe you can have an open discussion on how you can help each other. My husband asks if I would like a cup of tea, some chocolate, go for a drive, watch a movie, phone a friend or read a book.

I'm wondering if there is a Holy Grail, or if we just need to find what ever it is each day to help us feel thankful.

I have been told to learn to accept the unpleasant days just as they are and then see if I can make something out of the next day.

It isn't always easy.

Can you do some kind of brain training to help regain some of your cognitive skills?

All the best from Dools