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Just Need Some Support
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Like many people, I have struggled through my life with depression.
I have found that recently my depression has been increasing due to various reasons, feelings of worthlessness, diminished the ability to think, concentrate and to make constructive comments back to those who are asking for help.
I am proud of the support I have provided to people in my 15 years on the forums although some advice isn't accepted,
I know others, as well as myself, have had a relapse with their depression and how it has affected them, to know that one simple trigger to anything could cause this to happen.
Has your depression become worse through personal or
Any support you can provide me during this difficult time would be really appreciated.
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Dear Geoff,
You do an amazing job on these forums, welcoming new posters and giving everyone awesome advice, you even taught me how to tepsint my front door without taking the previous paint off!
I'm sorry you're feeling so low right now. I'm going through a rough time as well.
Let's get through it together ok?
Do you have something nice planned for yourself today at all? I am going to go fown to the ocean and have a swim. What about you?
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Dear Geoff,
I really just want to thank you for the wonderful job you do in helping others. When you are reading the sad stories of so many other people here every day, it's bound to have an effect on you. I'm sorry you feel that your advice is not always accepted, as that would make you feel as though your efforts are not appreciated. I want to reassure you that a huge majority of people here very much appreciate your words of advice. I know you really put yourself out there for the benefit of others, and I'm sad that you now find yourself in a worsening state of depression.
Geoff, you always have such good advice for others in the same situation. What would you recommend that someone else do now, if you read your opening post here and wanted to respond to a new poster? What has always worked for you in the past when you have felt this way? Do you need a break from the daily grind of reading depressing stories here on BB? Is there a hobby or interest you could be devoting a little more time to now?
I'm sorry I have no solutions. But I do care.
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Hi Geoff,
I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling. Over the past few years you've offered me kind words and encouragement when I most needed it and I'll always be grateful. Sometimes I wonder what I would have done without these forums. There is so much negativity in the world but the fact that there are people here who dedicate their days to helping strangers cope with mental illness gives me faith in humanity.
For the most part I coast along well with the use of anti-depressants but if something happens it can trigger a really bad episode of depression and anxiety. My psychiatrist explained that it also leads to PTSD in a way as you're terrified it will happen again. When I go into this state is as though my thoughts get hijacked and after a while I believe I'll never come out of it. It's quite scary but I have always come through the other end so now that I'm in a healthier headspace I remember this and just try to move on and live my life as best I can.
Anyway my point is that these really dark periods, they do lift eventually. We don't get to decide when they do so we just have to do our best to care for ourselves in the meantime. If you are having trouble concentrating and giving advice maybe it's time to give yourself a little break. Do you have any coping strategies for when you are feeling like this? I find being around animals really helps me - give your doggy a cuddle for me!
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Hi Geoff,
Sorry, it’s just a quick one from me as I’m a bit of a rush but I still wanted to pop in and say hi.
Thank you for all that you do for so many of us here including me. Your presence and contributions make an enormous difference to so many here...more than you may realise.
In a way, I must admit that I’m not entirely surprised that you’re struggling. Partly because you truly and honestly go above and beyond on the forums.
As I’m a bit of an insomniac, I sometimes post relatively early and so I see you diligently and sensitively post to so many people. Regularly, routinely and with such dedication. It’s very admirable but surely, it must be draining especially over an extended period of time.
I think you said:
I have found that recently my depression has been increasing due to various reasons, feelings of worthlessness, diminished the ability to think, concentrate and to make constructive comments back to those who are asking for help.
I am proud of the support I have provided to people in my 15 years on the forums although some advice isn't accepted, but we genuinely hope to spread light on why they are feeling depressed...
I think you have great self insight to identify the signs of when you’re emotionally “sliding” (so to speak), and that you’re trying to take steps to help yourself and reach out. Good on you 🙂
I think you do a remarkable job answering posts. There’s a beautiful warmth, wisdom and sensitivity in your writing. I feel sometimes if people don’t take advice on board, it’s not really a reflection on the advice giver (or a slight in any other way). But maybe it just wasn’t quite right for them, that’s all.
After all, you would know better than me that advice giving is a bit of trial and error sometimes. We don’t really know the people posting so a lot of context is missing, which means we all just do our best and if the advice fits, yay, if not, that’s okay too. I think the single most important thing is simply caring, you know. I feel like I’m not making much sense. Sorry...
Anyway, I’m glad you’re reaching out. Community Champions are people too. We want to support you as you have supported so many of us.
Pepper xoxo
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Dear Geoff,
Depression can hit us hard when we don't even realise it is sneaking up on us, then the darn thing has bit us on the bum and we have trouble shaking it off. Darn sneaky thing this depression!
As others have mentioned here Geoff, you have been a wonderful, comforting support to so many for so long. It is good to know that in some small way we may be able to give back to you.
Right now this depressive mood feels overwhelming, it does not have to stay that way. We can all help you tug away your low feelings and thoughts and help get you back to a better place.
It can be tough when our minds no longer think and behave as we desire. Over the years I have learned to accept this as fighting it just makes me angry.
Take in all the love and care that is being sent your way dear Geoff, realise how much you have meant to people on this forum, that you have dispersed so much, now it is your turn to accept the TLC and to grow stronger through our support, encouragement and care.
Cheers to you dear Geoff, rest, float a while if need be and don't give up on hope or tomorrow!
Wholeheartedly from Dools
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I am sorry to read your post but pleased you can reach out to others.
I echo the kind words of the others who have posted here,.
I offer my support but I am not sure I have any answers other than to apply the self care routine that has worked in the past.
You have helped and supported so many people over the years and now you need to be very gentle with yourself.
As Pepper said you know that advice can be hit and miss , so offering help to someone like you who has given much wise and helpful advice over the years is a bit daunting.
Do you think you need a break and some self time or is helping others something that keeps you going.
I want to thank you for your honesty and to know we are all here for you.
Kind wishes
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Dear Geoff~
I'm very sorry to read your words, often depression is not a condition that can be completely banished, just dealt with every day as it grows and shrinks.
All the experience in the world - which you have without a doubt - is sometimes simply not enough and it starts to take over.
If I look inside myself most things others say, and even things I think of myself, don't do enough. The only real solid comfort I've found is that I've been there many times before and I've come out the other side. Life then becomes better with humor and satisfaction, and interest too. It does not really take a big change in circumstances, only a small shift in the way I see the world.
I feel sympathy for how you are now, respect for your accomplishments and hope it is not too long before things start to look better for you.
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Hi Geoff,
Lovely man, what can we do to support you through this rough patch? Is there anything specific you need to talk about?
I noticed you immediately on the forums when I first joined almost a year ago. Noticed you would quietly do the rounds late at night checking for posts that had slipped through. Or the truly difficult upsetting posts.
Your heart my friend is enormous.
So if you need help I'm in. What can I do?
I'm not really huggy but I'll try anyway. Awkward hug and massive respect.
❤ Nat