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Is it all in my head

Community Member
Hi , new to this forum. I have been struggling with depression for close to 10 years and have a great wife and 2 teenage kids. Why i ask this, is it all in my head is I can go to bed feeling great and wake up feeling down. I usually don't sleep for more than 2-3 hours a night but am not tired in the morning. I have been to a psychologist for a couple of  6 week sessions and I walk away from my treatment feeling great. But it only seems to last for 3-6 mths and then I start having the ups and downs again with the up times getting shorter and the downs getting longer. I have been to my GP and asked if going on meds could help with this but they told me that meds are not for me. The psychologist also didn't want to prescibe meds and said that i should try different types of stress management techniques.With my ups and downs I don't feel it is fair to put my family through this all the time. I know everyone is different but is it all in my head or is this not so uncommon.
2 Replies 2

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Erkle, welcome

I think your doctors are spot on. You can get second opinions if you like but based on my experiences I think you are best to expand your focus on treatment.

Stress management techniques can include many things. Along with my stress levels was anxiety. I commenced my attack on my anxiety in 1987 and it took 25 years before I totally got rid of it. Muscle tensioning exercises, deep breathing, a move to the country lifestyle, getting rid of toxic people from my life (no matter who they are) and streamlining my finances are the most important things you can self help in your situation.

Now, stress free its great. As for those cycles. Recent research has found that these cycles of mood or depression should be allowed to take their course without any struggles. Then when you feel better, on the way up, put in place your strategies to keep stable.

Seek professional help for such strategies. It's worth it. Having doctors that don't want to prescribe medication is, in my view, a big plus. Often some prescribe them to satisfy us and that's not what you want.

Tony WK

Thanks White Knight, it is good to hear from other peoples experiences, I don't feel as bad about what I am experiencing. I have made another appointment with a different GP just to get a second view and maybe some different ways to cope with what I am experiencing. To here that it has 25 yrs for you to break free of it strangle hold is informative as I had never been told it can take a long time. This gives me strength to battle on. Thanks Erkle