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I might have bipolar? Opinions please?

Community Member


So, I know I have something more than GAD, ADHD & depression, I just think I realised there's another thing affecting me.

Long story short, when I'm off my meds (an SSRI) I feel great and ontop of the world, I talk a lot, I act more impulsive when there's nothing bad going on. However, when I'm feeling bad it feels like the end of the world in a way (Consciously I know it's not, it just feels like my body is doing everything in it's power to make it that way.)

And I now know this is probably a stress response, which sucks because it means even when I'm having a good time, I'm not able to relax.

I also have issues with spending a lot of money some times, particularly when stressed but I've always chalked this up to my ADHD and how I process and deal with stress. I sometimes give in and sometimes I'm able to say no.

I'm not too well versed in bipolar so please forgive me if this is way wrong, but to me, it sounds like bipolar.

Those who live with someone with bipolar, or have bipolar themselves, do you think this is a big sign? Or do you think it's something else entirely? Or a mixture of other things which make them present like this?


Thank you.

8 Replies 8

Community Member

Babe- see the Doctor you can't base anything on opinion and your health is to important to muck about with.

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

Amberlite is correct.

In 2003 I was diagnosed with ADHD at 46yo. In 2009 after 6 years of taking medicine for ADHD (that never worked) I had a second opinion- not ADHD, bipolar (that's mania mirrored hypomania in ADHD), dysthymia and depression.

I wished I was correctly diagnosed!.

Start with your GP. Most important.

Regards TonyWK

Hi amberlite,

I'm planning on bringing it up to my psychologist when I see her next and see what her opinion is.


thanks for your post/ As others have mentioned we cant give medical advice and seeing your doctor would be a good start. I was diagnosed over 45 years ago so long ago it was called manic depression and not bipolar.

I have always thought I had ADHD traits but the medication worked.

If you could cut and past and show your psych what you wrote in your first post that may be helpful.

Also keeping a mood diary where you write down the time of day and how you feel, that way you may see a pattern.

Keep writing here we are listening.

Hi Loligiggles

just saying you are proactive with your health by posting on the forums!!

I understand you weren't looking for medical advice when you asked for feedback from the forum community

Loligiggles mentioned 'Those who live with someone with bipolar, or have bipolar themselves, do you think this is a big sign? Or do you think it's something else entirely? Or a mixture of other things which make them present like this'

As TonyWK mentioned above....seeing our GP is crucial where recovery is concerned

Thankyou for being a part of the forum family


Community Champion
Community Champion


I have just seen your thread again and was wondering how your appointment went the pyschologist and if that helped some of your questions. Take care

I’d love to find out too, keep us all posted if you want to

Community Member

I have had depression for most of my life, but it became something altogether different when menopause began 9 years ago. I’ve just emerged from another severe bout and I don’t think I could go through another one so I went to my GP and she suggested I might be bipolar: earlier this year I asked her if bipolar was a possibility and she laughed at me (we know each other well) and said ‘no way’. My husband was with me and agreed about the bipolar but I’m not so sure. I think I have dysthymia but I’ve started taking a mood stabiliser anyway, and I guess I’ll see how that goes.

Good luck to you 🌸