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I'm losing control

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all,

I am very confused and I need some help.  I was diagnosed with major depression and anxiety 3 years ago, I have been on sick leave and I'm now losing my job (I posted about this before).  The stress of this has been huge, I have developed pain, like numbness in my arms and legs (this is new, I think it is stress related), I have pain in my chest, very teary and I feel like I am going to lose total control. On top of this, I feel that I should get over it and move on but I am not able to do it. I feel guilty and weak for not been able to get my thoughts and feelings under control. 

I would like to know how if what I'm feeling is this depression coming back? or perhaps it has never left, but its now getting worse??...  I am at a complete loss of how to think and what to do to move out of this situation and thoughts 


7 Replies 7

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Yoli best thing to do here now is take yourself off to hospital or a GP and get all those pains and numbness checked out to rule out it is not something else. You really need to speak to a psych to get all the emotional support definately as it does sound like depression and anxiety . Please reach out for the professional help here. Take care

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Yoli, I would say that your depression hasn't gone and that you are struggling from it, which is obviously very upsetting for you.

They can't sack you because you have depression, because that's discrimination and if this happens you should see a lawyer, plus I would contact BlueVoices, and if you aren't registered with them it's easy to do.

They are taking this to be a serious and often misfortune for people, plus they will give you the name of a lawyer who is handling these type of situations.

You haven't mentioned about any psych so please go to your doctor and they will get the ball rolling. Geoff.

Community Member

Dear Yoli,

Your thoughts are avenues to communication, behaviour, personality, character, how you react, what you do, where you are, etc.  They are not "guilty".

If you didn't post here or seek help then maybe, just maybe, your thoughts to avoid therapy and treatment might be thought of as guilty.  But you're being proactive.

Celebrate the fact that you can write and talk about what you're going through.  Something will turn this around in the end.  Those thoughts will move out eventually.  Try and keep it together in the mean time.

Adios, David.

PS  To be guilty that you are sick seems so wrong.  We all lose control.

Community Member

i would like to be very honest with you, depression is something that will always be a part of you, i can tell you from personal experience that you will slowly over it but you can never get rid of it. Please never ever feel guilty about not having your thoughts under control it happens, i can say that you are taking the steps of taking control again.

You made this post so there for you are tell this thing called depression that you want control of you life back, whats happening with pain in your chest is stress i can say i felt the same thing when i went thru some dark times in my life, and i cried but i tried to think positive you are asking for help on here and i hope by other means as well so you are slowly moving out of this situation and your thoughts will slowly start becoming positive but believe please believe that you can make it thru this and will come out a stronger person, i believe you can do so you have one more person on your side as support 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Yoli

I agree with Nes.  Some of those symptoms you are saying could be anxiety symptoms.  I can relate to your symptoms as I suffer from anxiety and depression. I now have medication to help. Please see a doctor.

Take care


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

thank you all for your support.  I have a doctor's appoint in mid Sep, I cant wait because I am very concerned about my emotional state.  I feel that I am at the point of losing control.  I'm very teary and I am finding very hard to keep my emotions strong around my family.  I try to be positive and normal around them but it is getting very hard to keep up at the moment. I want this to be over!!!!!

thanks again

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Yoli mid september is way too long to wait for a doctor. Go to the emergency ward at your hospital and get the help ASAP they can always get you the help you need in the mental ward and there are professional psych's doctors there without costing you anything. Act on it straight away you are suffering way too much here. Dont be frightened to do it either i was at a mental clinic for 6 weeks and found it very beneficial. Take care and Goodluck