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So lonely and unhappy

Community Member

My parents push me around to do my school work when I do my school work. They always think i'm on Facebook and it annoys and stresses the hell out of me. This and another private family problem is not helping me in my school marks which are continuously dropping. 

I don't have any friends. My one good friend is being pulled away from me because people are telling me that he thinks of me as a weird creepy person. Other people call me gay and that the sport I enjoy is gay. I'm not able to talk about something I enjoy. Due to this I feel i'm not accepted to be myself in the school at all

Even the girls I like are a problem. I have never found a girl who likes me back and I don't think I ever will. I don't understand why, all the girls I like show me signs of liking me and end up not liking me. Its really annoying. Like the girl I like currently... I asked someone who knows the girl I like to find out who she likes. That person came back to me and told me that she likes someone else. I told this person to tell the girl I like that I like her. Suddenly out of the blue, a guy who is in the class which the girl I like is also in asked me if I like the girl I like. I said yes and every time she was next to me or looking at me, she was smiling at me. I then found out the next day that she is going on a date with the guy she likes. Yet she showed to me that she likes me back but is shy. On this same day, when in class, the girl I like hovered around where I sit during class. I sat back down and she didn't move (which means to me that she is interested in me). Throughout the day I saw her looking at me, talking to her friends who also looked at me. She is doing these things and yet found out she is going on a date with someone else, i just don't understand at all what to do.

I used to live in a different state when younger and everything seemed to be more happier and was excellent for me. Ever since i've moved back here, my life has gone down hill. I'm not happy at all. In the other state I was in, there was a girl I liked who liked me back, the problem was I had to leave the time I found out. 

With all these problems I just want to be accepted for once and to loved and happy (due to my personal family problem). I'm an only child and my life is know horrible and I don't know what to do to make it better because no one likes me back when I want to me loved. Am I some kind of monster that this happens to me?

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi the one I havnt seen any responses from you yet I have gathered you just like to write and read what we have written back thats ok. You know what why dont you try and sit down with the school counsellor and talk these issues through with him or her sometimes having that person to go too will stop you from feeling aone. Im sure your parents love you and want whats best for you I have only 1 son also and he is my world also,. Maybe your school work is going down because you are putting too much focus oc girls why dont you give yourself a break from it there is plenty of time for this later. Dont look back later on life and regret you didnt get a degree or certificate because you were mucking around at school. Education is sooo important these days girls going out will be there for you but once you miss that opportunity at school it will go . Maybe just act yourself and they wont think so strangely of you if you put on a act it wil happen. And honestly find a new group of kids to hang around these ones your with now seem to me very shalow and nasty. If you cant get a school counsellor i would suggest you see a GP and get a referral to speak to a psych to sort these issues with,

Community Member

Dear the one,

I'm going for the long response so buckle up kiddo and feed the rabbits.

No one is the one.   We are all connected.  Even in the Fabulous Four movies there are ..........let me count..........four of them.    In James Bond he is always assisted by his gadgets, M and other accomplices, sometimes even a, dare I say it, FBI agent (shock, horror).    In Harry Potter he had trusty friends Rupert Grint and Emma Watson in the guise of their characters.    In Teletubbies there are .....mmm, let me count again.....er, four of them and one is even brave enough to be called Tinky Winky.

So do you have any sidekicks, friends, special school students that double up in the weekends as Crazy Karate Agent Kids or even just great people to simply talk to ?  And, as Nes/Sen writes, there is always the school counsellor or a referral to a psychiatrist if you want to keep you anxiety in check.

Go through your thread and pick off all the problems - parents being pushy / private family problem not helping / friends thinking you weird / girls flirting with no intent / old living areas being nicer (which is now a problem due to your comparison) / only child / am I a monster ?  That's a bit of anxiety/depression in the way you have lumped EVERYTHING together.  This makes a badder bad.  So what ?  Might be better to concentrate on ONE thing:   Do I need to be constantly acknowledged at home and school because I am a spotty teenager undergoing great physical and emotional changes at the moment ?    i.e.  Is being anxious about all this stuff really helping me ?

And if you can break it down like that you are definately not a monster.   Just someone going through stressful times.  But, you know what ?   There are a lot of stressful times in life - better to learn how to cope now.  Maybe even learn to love yourself for what you are.  All those action heros have one thing:  inner confidence.  And that guy in Fabolous Four that transforms into a living rock - I believe his name is Ben - he still has a sexy black girl although foreplay might be a little rough.

"The Fabulous Four and the Rise of the Silver Surfer" could easily be "The Fabulous Four and the Rise of the Questing Teenager Who Isn't A Monster".   The only similarity to a monster for you would be in that you don't reply (at the moment).  So, you have  a lot in common with The Loch Ness Monster, who lives in the depths.  But even Nessie gets sighted now and again just before the local pub runs out of spirits.

Adios, David.

PS   In Marvel Comics deformities/heroes/monsters are actually all "cool".  You never think of Spiderman as a monster.   Ben Affleck as Batman, mmm ?  Different story.  Lol.   We all have a bit of cunning decepterance in our psyche.