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Hey I’m a newbie

Community Member
Hey all , I’m new here , finally realising that my depression is really affecting those around me so it’s time I got some help and support , I’m a mum of 5 and I feel like I’m the worst parent in the world , my moods are horrendous and my 4 year old is always asking me why I’m so sad and why I’m crying , I want to be a great role model not this person I am now ....anyway I look forward to chatting with some of you and sharing my healing journey along the way xx
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Snowy,

Welcome to Beyond Blue and well done for reaching out.

I would like to suggest that if you are not already getting some face-to-face help for your depression - such as from your doctor or a counselor, then perhaps you could look at doing that, yeah? Also, please don't listen to your head when it is telling you that you are the "worst parent in the world", as I'm sure that is completely unfounded ........ after all, the 'worst parent in the world' would be highly unlikely to admit that there was even an issue with themselves to begin with! And you have been brave enough to not only admit to a personal struggle, but you've reached out to an audience of potentially thousands ........ which also means that there is LOTS of potential help and support available that you have just now tapped into, yeah?

Parenting, I can only imagine, is a tough job at the best of times. I say 'imagine' because I am not a parent, by choice, so I can only really guess at how hard and exhausting it can be sometimes. And the more kids, the more work there is.

Having the desire to be a better version of yourself so that you can be a better parent, is an indication to me, that you are in fact quite an attentive parent and therefore have every chance of getting to a better place, and therefore being a better parent.

Anyway, I don't know if that helps at all. I hope it does help at least a little. Take care. You can keep coming back here for as much support as you like. xo

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Snowy, and a warm welcome to you.

I know it's pretty tough being a parent, especially if you have 5 children and can feel the pain you are going through.

I agree with Soberlicious and want to support you through this journey because so many of us have been struggling ourselves and know what you are suffering from, so we hope you can allow us to help you.

Best wishes.
