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I dont know what to do anymore..

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Ever since..my father used his money to look after me (cause no one else wanted me..) I've always made him angry or disappointed in me. I started school and immediately to get bullied so I moved schools and the same thing happened..i was told I'm an easy target which scared me a little since I knew what high school bullies did to someone like me.

I got bullied psychically which made me not care what they did to me for a while, I tried telling my teachers which did not help (not surprised..) I'm really good at hiding emotions which mad me sadder then usual. I have an eating disorder and have got a little fat..since I had this disorder it made me steal food (which I hate..) and this made my father very mad..Ive tried so hard to eat healthy and exercise but its no use..I have 3 sisters (that I cant see anymore..) I miss them so much and every time I see or hear sisters I get a little sadder..my own mother didn't even care about me when she found out I had autism..

I honestly don't know what to do anymore..

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi AngelBear,

You'll probably notice that the people that bully the most have the biggest ego. Just remember that they will most likely be cut back to size when they leave school and get out into the real world.

Don't be hard on yourself. Everyone has something to offer to this world, no matter their size or personality. Once you find that purpose you'll have such a joy for life. If possible you need to find other autistic role models. Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are on the spectrum I believe.

Constantly remind yourself that you are a genius and find any aspect of your life that you can be grateful for. I believe the way you think will have an impact on what happens in your life. Not the other way around. Find anyway you can to look for the positives, and then focus on them every day. Stay strong and rise above the riff raff. You are the creator, not them.



Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thankyou so much for you’re response, it really means a lot. I think I’m going stop building up my problems, put it in the past and just laugh it off, I’m going to start acting like I’m worth hanging out with and not be alone anymore.