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HELPFUL numbers, Threads, Apps & Internet sites. Quick forum reference.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi. BB home page-getting support has numbers & info
If it's not clear in title please a brief explanation & mention Phone (PH:) Apps & Internet sites
Please feel free to add inc; category thx 🙂 I'll randomly do summaries

BB 1300224636 (for talking to trained professional)
BB chat online: 3pm-12am 7 days a week ( scroll to bottom on left in Red click on link)
BB EMAIL (Response within 24 hrs) (Click on link bottom L) of page)

Suicide call back service 24/7 helpline 1300 659 467.
Support after suicide (03) 9421 7640

Lifeline 131114

Black Dog institute (02) 9382 4530 (9am-5pm)

Sane Australia 1800 18 7263

Headspace for ages 12yrs -25yrs 1800 650 890.

Kids Helpline (for ages 5yrs -25 yrs 1800 551 800

LGBTI-Qlife 1800184527 (3pm-12pm

Internet-Naccho- National Aboriginal community health organisation (not sure which no: to put up?

Relationships Australia 1300 364 277

Mensline 1300 78 99 78

Carers Australia 1800 242 636
Young Carers Australia 1800 242 636 (up to age 25 yrs

Mindspot 1800 61 44 34

VVCS Veterans & Veterans family counselling service-1800011046 (24 hrs)

Head to health internet site.

PH: Apps
Meditation Smiling mind

BB threads (Search bar top R) of pages
Suicidal section
Suicide why not?
Tips for surfing urges

Staying well
Saying no to the unhelpful thoughts
How do you make yourself do the things that make you feel better
Mindfulness what is it? Even if you don't know please post to grow forums
Do you love yourself? Your thoughts are welcome
Store your happy memories here
Be kind to yourself

What makes you proud of your ethnicity?
We are more than we are!
How do You Respond to Racist Remarks?

Relationship & family issues
what choices are there

Helpful Books and Products for Anxiety and Depression (staying well section)
BB Web Anxiety in men

Health professionals & treatment
Forums Got a question related to mental health? ASK DR KIM
BB Web Helpful contacts and websites
BB Web Helpful contacts and websites for young people
BB Publications: Brochure -
Coping with a serious health event: How to keep mentally well
BB Publications: Booklet -
Managing mental health conditions during pregnancy and early parenthood: A guide for women and their families

PTSD & Trauma
Sharing strategies to help with PTSD
How do others deal/manage their triggers?
How do you let people know about your PTSD without stigmatizing yourself?

I strongly believe we can win over depression...together
Best to all 🙂

27 Replies 27

Community Champion
Community Champion
Just tagging.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hey beautiful Grandy glad you're here, was going to ask you which is the other ph app you said you like more than smiling mind which you said is good and Croix knows it too, dunno if him or someone else said it's good.Hey maybe we could do a rating outta 10 on them.
When you're ready if you wanna put it up plz thanks darl
I don't know any of those, might give it a bash one day

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello DB.

My headphones in now DB, I like and use this app the most..

App name..Insight timer...guided meditation and relaxing music, free


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Domestic Violence Hotlines & Contact Numbers Australia | White Ribbon

Find domestic violence hotlines. If you have experienced sexual assault, domestic or family violence, call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 (24/7 counselling).

Community Member
BB have an app called Check-In for planning how to talk to someone you're concerned about. It's well made and while I've not had a need to use it, if I did I'd definitely make use of it.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Good on you D8 thanks, really good idea that one. So grateful for the intelligence out there in many ways. Thanks & for the descript too, is it concerned as in Suicidal or Depression in general which is full stop a worry as we know can deepen very fast. I"m guessing if we're concerned it'd be deep depression but don't want to assume & put up wrong info.

Your inputs appreciated 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thanks sweet Grandy outta 10 how would you rate both apps individually?

Hi Demonblaster,

Great idea to have all this together in one thread. Well done to you for going to the major effort of compiling it all.

Like Karen, I'm 'tagging' so I have it close and handy if/when I ever need any of this potentially vital information.

Hi Karen, and thanks for your input as well. I'm not really into Apps, but perhaps I should start. There seems to be an app for everything these days.


DUH DB, Soz I said I didn't know any apps in this kinda area. Love this & it's the only one I've got

BEYONDNOW... SUICIDE Safety Plan app. RATING out of 10. 9. (I don't usually give10 unless perfect)
Developed by BB, funded by donations from Movember foundation. If I remember correctly it's the first of it's type in Australia, plz correct if wrong. Professors helped towards it.

Very detailed descript cause it's brilliant & BB deserves every support.

First ? page is it on an app. Ph: touch emoji (picture) to directly ring 3 emergency numbers 000, lifeline, suicide call back
View or edit your plan. Takes you to page 2

Pg 2 has 7 flagged sections, scroll down to each one that has brief clear explanations.
MY WARNING SIGNS, changes in thoughts moods or behaviors (we fill in these)
CONNECT WITH PEOPLE & PLACES (People distraction/social media with people we've added in our plan
PROFFESSIONAL SUPPORT (I put psych, MH access, Dr etc
3 Emergency no's 000 lifeline Suicide call back (they've put in

Easy as to navigate, not cluttered, clear instructions,doesn't take very long to fill out, they say fill it out when you're in good head space/with a friend. Excellent!

Psych said in extreme dark time when was close to going under, write a list what you like, couldn't see past my nose with pain yet even then in sheer desperation for help wrote one thing, eg swimming, birdies singing, certain songs which turned into about 15 things from a wicked dark place so I added those in reasons to live as well as Bigger ones like Don't want to hurt people, not to let it beat me, many for their kids sake etc

apart from majors like don't want to hurt people etc I also added things I like in life like birdies singing, being in water, friends and people I loves names, songs I like, things I''m grateful for like have eyesight, can walk etc