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- Got everything lucky me
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Got everything lucky me
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Family suck work sucks life sucks.....
Got anxiety, depression, alcoholism, blackouts, seizures,.don't sleep
and no dam support .pointless existence.. with the weight of everyones problems on me .
Most hated person in the family yet the most used.
Im the yes child and i do everything for everybody. I have 1 family members that likes me .
Months now im stuggling and this family member ( likes the new me) my most valuable moment and my family likes me better depressed and not caring... am a better person with depression and no emotions
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Its good to see a regular member open up a little more about their issues- thankyou
You are a “giver” and most of your family are “takers” that don’t have an appreciation for your internal demons.
Givers have compassion in their DNA, that’s why people gravitate towards us. But rarely is it reciprocated. What can we do?.
- You can force people to be compassionate. Google- beyondblue topic the just won’t understand, why?
- Choose friends that do have empathy and care
- Build defensive walls google- beyondblue topic fortress of survival (also part 2)
- Deligate- deflect responsibility. Even saying “ you’ll have to figure that one out for yourself” will help lessen your workload
- limit your stress- relaxation
Cant help with your drinking- you’d know what you have to do there. Wait till the timing is right and switch to some of the non alcohol drinks.
I hope I’ve helped a little. With those thread recommendations you only need to read the first post
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Hi Guest_4593
It sounds like you are in a tough headspace right now- it can be a hard to thing to wrestle with but it's great you've found our community all the same. You aren't alone in how you feel- there's loads of people to give advice on how to get through it the best you can- like white knight and their great suggestions.
If I may add something- would it be worth trying to let your family know how you feel, even a little bit? Like tell them you need boundaries, you can't say yes to everything, especially if they don't appreciate it or don't help you in your tough times, which sounds to be the case here.
I understand this may not be option but it may be worth considering if it's worth a shot. Up to you- keep us posted in the meantime if you like.
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The Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 22 4636 or our friends at Lifeline on 13 11 14 are available to provide support and advice 24/7. Please do feel free to use these services to talk through what's on your mind when it's feeling like too much to cope with. We hope tonight starts to improve a bit for you Guest.
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Not Going down drugged up and handed on from person to person at the end of the day individuals get treated differently and ill.....go.. miserable, drunk and with a faulty sense of happiness but ill be myself. Noone is intervening when I make that decision my time has come.. and that will be my choice
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Hello Guest, can I also join those above me and offer my support because what you have said is a concern 'anxiety, depression, alcoholism, blackouts, seizures' but please trust me I understand.
If I can just mention as I used alcohol as self medication a long time ago, and please I'm only just commenting and by no means criticising you, because that's what isn't done on this site, all we want to do is help you.
Seizures (which I've had ) can be caused by binge drinking and also withdrawal, but it can also affect any medication we're taking, plus it can cause any blackouts that may happen and affect our memory, waking up the next morning, not sure what you've said or whether or not it's someone you have upset.
We are unable to change our past but we can learn from it, either in a positive way or perhaps go in directions that we now know are not favourable.
No one can stop you from drinking, that decision has to come from you, but you have to be happy when you make that choice and have trust in those who want to help you.
Seeing someone different is a huge problem, not only do you have to relay your story again and again but each person handles your situation in a different way, so it may become confusing and very complex, so please if you want to keep talking with us that would be great, I've been in your situation and feel sorry for you.
Take care.