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For the helpers.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all,

Read an excellent post by Lizoria earlier this evening regarding how even those who help others with their mental health issues often struggle to talk about their own problems. The thread is here.

In her words, " Saying this here, recording it in little bits and bytes on the face of the internet, makes me really realise how unhelpful keeping a 'brave face' is. But it is also very liberating to just let people in the world know that I'm not as tough as I like to think I am, and that it's ok"

I'm feeling pretty shoddy at the moment, its almost 4am here in Perth and I'm feeling a bit down, but thanks to the help I've received on this website I know it will pass. Once the feeling goes I can get back to helping as well.

So thankyou all who listen and contribute, you are doing a great job and should you ever need help we are here for you too, just as much as we are here for everyone else.


2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Good on ya Ben, thanks for sharing this important message. I hope you are feeling better mate.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Ben, I did have a look at the link where Lizoria had posted and I had replied back to her, but haven't had any response back, but this isn't important because we can't force anyone to continue, unless someone else joins the conversation.

Ben can I ask you whether this is by having a relapse or is it more severe.

You have been a vital respondent on this forum, offering some great advice to many people who have posted in asking for help, and please take the time that you need, because your health is the most important issue here, so take care. Geoff.