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Food Punishment

Community Member

Idon't know if anyone will read this, but I could use some help.

I had a falling out with my best friend about two months ago (no chance of reconciliation) and have been stuck in a depression ever since and have begujn to eat as a form of punishment.

I have put on almost 6kgs in two months and I am so disgusted with myself that I continue to eat unhealthy food as punishment.

I can't break the cycle and I am destroying myself.

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Georgie Belle,

Welcome to the forum. I am sure many cna relate to what you wrote.

There is a thread titled Can binge eating be a form of self harm?

You may find some interesting posts there that you can relate too.

Do you feel guilty that you had th falling out? )

Have you tried apologising to your friend . THese are just suggestions and may not suit you.

Have you used food to punish yourself before?

As you can see if you read the thRead I mentioned many people struggle with food.

I feel it may be help if you can find a way to forgive yourself.

Feel free to post here if you want to.
