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feeling stuck

Community Member

I feel like my emotions are all over the place. One day I feel absolutely nothing at all, whereas another, everything hits me all at once and honestly it just makes me want to disappear, whether to another country or simply just vanish out of this world. It's almost like there's this void inside of me that will never get fulfilled because I don't know what can. I don't even know what's wrong with me. Is it because I spend so many years suppressing my emotions (I still am) that I don't know how to properly ask for help, nor knowing what I need help for? I don't know and I feel like I'm stuck and there's nowhere to go.

3 Replies 3

Community Member

It sounds like you have depression as how you describe your symptoms is similar to my depression.  Visit your doctor and tell them how you feel.  This is the first step to helping yourself.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi jules10


I feel for you so much, as you sound so fed up and so overwhelmed. I can relate to how incredibly challenging it can be to make sense of such a variety of emotions and when mixed emotions are in play, it can definitely make things so much harder.


Not sure if the following will make some difference to you but I found a relatable definition of 'emotion' to be of significant help to me, especially when it comes to making better sense of my feelings. If emotion is energy in motion that we can feel or 'e-motion', then the question becomes 'What is this kind of energy I'm feeling and how did it come to be?'. There can be mental energy, physical energy and I suppose what you could call natural energy. Sometimes there can be all 3 combined.


Mental energy can relate to feeling through inner dialogue, belief systems, sense of identity and all that kind of stuff. Physical energy can be felt through energy systems such as the nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, muscular system (which does tend to store stressful energy) and all those kinds of systems. With the physical aspect, there's also chemical energy or energy generated through chemistry. Natural energy or looking at things from a more natural perspective, without the psychology and biology/chemistry, you could say 'I feel joy', 'I feel numbness', 'I feel downshifts and upshifts', 'I can feel that person not inspiring me' etc etc. Another way of viewing this is 'I'm designed to feel, so what the heck am I feeling or sensing within myself (internal influences) and/or outside of myself (external influences)?'.


Even 'numbness' or 'emptiness' has a feel to it. Being able to feel a depressing lack of energy in motion is personally one of my number one triggers for depression. As a 54yo gal who's managed the ins and outs of depression since my late teens, I can relate to mental reasons, physical reasons and natural reasons as being of influence. Whether it's involved depressing belief systems, challenging inner dialogue, a sense of grief, emotional detachment, a depressing B12 deficiency, sleep apnea, a lack of energy input or a lack of pure inspiration, a lack of positive visions of the way forward or the feeling of 'being smack bang in the middle of crossroads with zero sense of direction, constructive guides or signposts' these have been just some of the reasons for intense downshifts. When we're sensitive enough to be able to sense so much of what we experience and feel in life, this can be seen as an ability that demands from us self understanding and self mastery. One way of looking at it is 'If I was born to feel my way through life and no one showed me how to do it like a pro, no wonder I'm struggling'.🙂

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello and welcome jules10,


I am really sorry to hear what you are going through but just to assure you, you are not alone, sometimes we all feel stuck and don't know what to do or where to go. So, totally understand it can be very frustrating.


Is there any particular thing that brings this feeling or is it just random? 


Maybe finding the root cause of these feelings may help solve this problem to some extent.


If it's impacting your daily life and if nothing seems to be helping, I think it is important to reach out and talk to your GP or mental health professional who can guide you in the right way.


Here to listen if you want to talk more...


Take care
