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Feeling lost

Community Member

Hi everyone, new to this kind of thing.

i have struggled with depression, anxiety for a few years now. This year it’s to be apparent that it is the worst it has ever been. I have taken 4 weeks off my stressful job to sort myself out. I see a psychiatrist once a week and she is great. Honesty I just want to spend all my time in bed. I have three kids who are old enough to organise themselves for school, however I feel I am not enjoying them or life at all right now. I take medication and I see my doctor frequently, i have a husband who doesn’t understand and is stressed over money since I’m not working. I don’t know what to do? Sometimes it takes all my strength t leave the house. I never used to be this person I was happy, bubbly, vivacious and loved people. Now I just want to hide..... does anyone else feel this way? What do I do????

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi there,

I think you can ask yourself why do you feel this way and try to get the external adverse factors fixed first, step by step. Sometimes people's feelings do come from eternal factors. We are the products of both internal and external factors. I hope my view may be helpful for you.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Lost and Unsure,

Welcome to the forum. Well done in writing your first post as that can be hard to do.

Many people reading your post will have felt like you or are feeling like you do now.

Depression is an illness that can deceive us and make us see things in a totally different way. That happy bubbly perso is still there just hidden u dervthe depression and anxiety.

If you can concentrate on yourself which you are doing and has the psychiatrist mentioned anything else you could do.

I am not sure if you have tried mindfulness or meditation.

There is a thread on here called What is mindfulness that you might like to browse.

have you ever kept a journal? On the forum there are threads like 3 things I am thankful for today, 3 things I have achieved today . Some people have found if you write these things down each day and it does not matter how small or obvious they are, it can help a little.

I am so pleased you reached out . You are not alone and there is support here.

I have felt that lost feeling especially after having children and it is so hard to explain to others.

Feel free to post here as much as you want.
