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Downward Spiral

Community Member

Hi all and thank you for taking the time to read my post. i am new to this site but not new to depression. I am a 30 year old Male and have been suffering from depression since i was 13 years of age. I am currently taking medication and have booked in for a few psychology sessions. I have struggled with alcohol abuse and anger issues in the past and have come along way from those times. I have a good job, a great partner and am a home owner yet i find it hard to see the good in life. I have had a failed marriage and lost all of my school friends over the last 4 years and find it hard to see the good in myself or the world. I have had constant weight battles gaining and losing between 40 to 50kg at a time. At this point of my life I find it hard to focus at work or drag myself to social outings as simple as shopping as i feel i will see people from my past that have cut me out of there life, i know i am a good person and am a good friend i was just going through bad periods. I can happily say i havent had an issue with alcohol for coming up to 24 months and my anger issues are under control. I guess i just need to know or understand how to start a new life at 30 years of age as i feel as of late i am slipping back into the slippery state of depression.  

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Lust to Dust I have also been back and forth with my depression also. I joined a gym 2 yrs ago and found that helped with the weight moods ect. At my gym they have pools spas saunas maybe you could try that.You will have to find something here that makes you happy like joining a club ateam sport or volunteering somewhere and something you can do by yourself to give yourself that time to occupy yourself and to get rid of the negative thoughts. Or what about going on a holiday with your partner sometimes planning the trip can give you motivation. You just need to find something to give you the kick start you need for a new fresh start and then you will be well on your way. goodluck

Community Member

Thanks for taking your time to read and reply Nes,

I definitely agree with keeping an active mind helps control negative thoughts. And i also joined a gym around June but as of late have found it difficult to push myself to go, yet i know if i do motivate myself enough i will be fine once there, yet i still make 100 excuses in my own mind. I over think the smallest things so sleep patterns are often all over the place and sometimes can be as little as 1 to 2 hrs a night for weeks at a time. My partner and i are currently looking at holidays because as you mentioned i thought it would be a good little motivator or goal to work towards rather then just trying to pick myself up day by day.

Thanks again for your reply it is greatly appreciated.