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Doctors and Dysthymia
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Hey Everyone,
I'm Michael. I'm recently 19 years old. Basically ever since probably when I was around 14-15, I've had what I thought were bouts of depression every now and then, and other than that, nothing else too bad. However, I've come to see that this whole time, I've had a mild form of depression, punctuated by those occasional darker moments.
In reading about depression, I came across Dysthymia which seems to hit the nail on the head. I decided to take the plunge and see a doctor about it. I guess I didn't have the same great experience with doctors that people seem to have. It's not that she didn't believe me, but I felt like I had to talk myself up a bit around her. Make it like my symptoms aren't as bad as they are. In the end, she recommended I do a Medical Action Plan and then do psych sessions. Should I do this? They are all really expensive ad I don't know if I want to.
Towards the end, short of diagnosing me with dysthymia or depression, she commented that she thought I probably just had a generally more melancholic/ darker outlook than most people so it might not be anything, which worried me a little.
Anyone had a similar experience? I really think I know what I have, but the Doctor doesn't seem to be on the same wave-length... but then again, she is a Doctor and I'm not. I'm a bit lost. Should I see another Doctor to double check or stay with this one?
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Hey Michael,
I have been diagnosed with dysthymia and Borderline Personality disorder by a psychiatrist. I do recommend doing a mental health plan which usually cost around 30 or 40 $ but then u are referred to many different services like a psychologist or mental health clinician and psychiatrist who can diagnose u officially. U can stick to your own doc to do this or ask to see someone else or someone from the "get support" tab on the top of the website it has many different doctors etc to choose from. Hope this info helps x
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Hi MM thankyou for your post.
I have dysthymia also and bipolar 2 and depression.
I would, like Chloekat recommend a mental health plan. This will be your second important step in caring for yourself, the first being getting to the doctor in the first place and I commend you highly for that action.
I'm struggling to understand why your doctor told you that you might be "a little more melancholy than most" or similar words. That is what dysthymia is. My cycle used to be 8-10 weeks of being ok then a 10 day period of falling into an emotional heap. During this time I'd write poetry, wonder what my purpose was in life and zone out into emotional places in my mind. Interesting enough was when I visited my psychiatrist in 2009. I had been misdiagnosed with bipolar 1 7 years earlier. This psychiatrist however questioned me a lot on my childhood in particular any traumatic events that took place. I couldnt think of any, then I told him I had an episode when 12yo when I didnt speak for 3 months, not a word. Then he was really interested. I told him of an event in our backyard pool when my older brother had a diabetic 'turn' and nearly drowned. My shrink then told me that that event triggered the dysthymia. Very interesting.
I urge you to pursue this. You never know what might come out of your future interviews. In order to get well or at least manage your mental health you need to find out the source of the illness as best as you can.
Please, you have taken a major step many dont bother taking. You are brave enough to do that. Your doctor might not be fully trained in mental health and you have read up a lot to understand your possible condition. Keep going and take care.
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Hello Banksy
Welcome to the BeyondBlue forum. You have certainly come to the right place. As you probably have figured out, here you will find a community of people who you can talk to about issues that worry you or to just vent your frustrations.
so please ask any questions you like, and soon you will find that many members will join your thread.
Can I suggest that you start a new thread for you, to discuss your issues. The post away with any questions. Perhaps you might start by telling us a little about yourself.
again, welcome and I'll look forward to seeing your posts.
take care
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Hi Banksy,
My problem answering your question is that I have other issues like bipolar 2, anxiety and depression and that my dysthymia is and would be, mixed in like a cocktail with the others. I'd find it hard to distinguish between them.
What I do know is that my psychiatrist had suspicions I had dysthymia and therefore questioned me at length about any traumas I had in my childhood. I had one at 12yo and didnt speak a word for 3 months. Following that event I became often sad, cried a lot and went within myself often. I eventually took up poetry and found, surprisingly it was the one true "outlet" or relief valve for my condition. So much so that events throughout my life that I mentally hung onto for years were often dropped once I wrote a poem about it. Amazing stuff and I went on to write a few hundred more as therapy.
As I say I dont know if this helps with you and your situation. And some of my symptoms may well be caused by my other ills.
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Hi Banksy,
Yes, it can be confusing. eg Initially I was diagnosed incorrectly with aDHD and Bipolar 1. That was 11 years ago and the subsequent medication was incorrect and with woeful results. The diagnosis was due to my over active but inattentive behaviour. Later on a second psychiatrist diagnosed me with the 4 other illnesses that were correct IMO. So what of the overactive and inattentive behaviour? Most of that was mania not aDHD. So we learn.
Dysthymia IMO and in my case (might not be for all) is a depth of depression unlike other depression. It's what I tag 'sadness depression'. My wife has general depression and when it comes around she'll sleep much more. That is not like what I have. When my depression comes I'll get really moody and confronting. When dysthymia rises (from its normal level as it is always there rather than coming and going) I write sad poetry, see things in emotional ways and concentrate on the sad or valued things in life. It isnt easy to explain but everything has an emotional attachment to it.
I've often wondered if Van Gogh had it when he cut of his ear for his girlfriend? When younger (and single) and in this state I'd drive into the city and talk to the homeless or soup kitchen workers or maybe walk along a beach to sit on a rock and wonder why I exist. But it also can be an emotional feeling about life and the wonder of it. That's why I often listen to Marahaji 'sunset' on youtube. That video takes me to a special place.
That's why I'm interested in others that have dysthymia. To see if they have the same symptoms.
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