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Depression and cannabis use
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Well a little about myself, im 33 years of age, male and live alone. I never really dealt with depression until a few years ago; well i did but nothing on this scale. Most the time before it was a once every now and then occurrence that i could snap out of within the day or so. Issues i have now is there is no one left in my life, but thats just the start of it.
See i used to smoke marijuana for many years and all was good, the only paranoia i developed was from trying to hide it from family (they are all against it and is the reason i stopped). The constant pressure of feeling like if they find out and would be disbanded from the family payed a toll, well it's happened without it anyway...
My depression came on months to a year after quitting my full time marijuana use, i have smoked the odd few times after and it seems to make me feel better yet guilty about what my family thinks so i never continue. I have also been put on and off anti depressants over the past few years (non marijuana use) yet i always get really bad side effects so i work my way back off them. They never seem to help much at all, and make me wonder what they actually put in those medications we're blindly putting in our system.
What i don't understand is Marijuana works for me, however it's obviously frowned apon by the public, my family and employers. Employers and family don't mind if i take anti depressents that cause more issues and horrific side effects, yet if i smoked weed the world is going to end. Which also leads to unemployment, fear of judgement and a sense of unworthiness. Im currently unemployed and struggling like never before with no assistance from anyone, im scared to end up homeless. I have bills and everyone asking for money yet never able to even get a job interview (obviously causing major depression). I have also done counseling last time i was on anti depressants, they all tend to say nothing is wrong with me and it's just lack of a job causing this.
I only know one thing that works yet it leaves me feeling ashamed (not that it really matters anymore) but yeah. Well as i have no one to talk to anymore and running out of options i have decided to sign up. I still feel very doubtful that this will help but i have nothing to lose i guess.. PS i have also thought of moving to a country that have medicinal cannabis programs that also treat depression. I really don't like anti depressants, they are horrible
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I just look back at the "facts" and what the causes were leading to my issues, i struggle with today. Yes my family were against it when they knew, 20 years ago.
The fact is a good 15 years after while still using they had no idea and everything was dandy. Then i quit, tension, concentration issues raised just the same miss diagnosed ADD issue i had as a kid. Oh but the brilliant idea from an ex-girlfriend and family go on AD's and counseling. No problem, pych said the AD's are working correctly you feel neutral and not on highs or low's. Yeah so neutral i couldn't care less about anything. Then the rants started of you don't care blah blah blah coming from everyone, well of course that's what AD's do for crying out loud... The crumble; by by job, girlfriend and most the family to where im at now. After explaining all that; i find it funny i never had these issues while using cannabis, and was living quite happy.
The simple fact for me was after being on laboratory made AD's is when the problems started. I find the use of marijuana a cop-out, an easy escape goat for an answered to one that is undisclosed, to be frank. AD's are the new era of ADD and ADHD, all those miss diagnosed kids from the 80s and 90s suffering of ADD. It's found the majority had other issues (like mine) and some not anything to do with ADD whatsoever. We are repeating history once again with 1 in 8 Australians on AD's, that number alone rings alarm bells in my eyes. In a decade or two the AD phenomena, will be sitting in a boat right along side the miss diagnosed ADD suffers.
I know what works for me, i experienced the good and bad when using the substance. The simple fact is current AD's are laboratory made substances full of all kinds of weird and not so wonderful chemicals. Does anyone actually even know what's in that pill before swallowing it? No; the majority will blindly take the magic pill without thinking twice (the doctor must be right?)
I have become aware after reading many threads here that it's a volunteer site, meaning no verification of credentials whatsoever. Not sure if you are or not a medical researcher, however i know they charge big money for any time or research. Im also an astronaut in my spare time.
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Dr Kim is our resident GP and counsellor, who pops into the forums regularly. So we ask that you respect her contributions to this discussion.
Her Background
After 20 years of experience working as a GP, Dr Kim realised in 2003 the aspect of her work she enjoyed most was talking to people and understanding the way they think and behave – and so she underwent training in counselling and therapy, where she now solely works.
Her experience includes working with a wide range of mental health issues including anxiety, depression and adolescent mental health.
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I do respect her opinion, i guess im just thick-skinned when it comes to online interactions regarding debates. Debates are actually a healthy sign of brain functionality (so it has been said), and i do/will not take sides. My point was without a physical copy of documentation, anyone could be talking as John Doe from down the road. I could go on, however i will respect your wishes and leave after this post.
I feel many that help' are in a mindset, of no matter what one tries to say, it will be immediately flawed (going off many the other threads). IRL I have also experienced bad encounters, that actually become a positive experience(thankfully im not that guy). For example i have seen a few psychologists, on and off during the past couple of years; many encounters leave me walking out at the end of a session, only to think "wow just wow that guy was on something | that was like talking to a space cadet". This has led to a sour taste, even though they may well have certification plaques all over the wall.
Keep in mind i have merely stated my opinion, it's not derogatory but rather truthful, direct and without using covert techniques. Anyway i am understanding people can be sensitive to how i debate, i respect you have a nice little team, and if it helps others kudos.
With that said; all the best and thanks for everyones time.
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Hi Dr Kim,
Thanks for the two links and input. Found it very interesting to read.
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Everything in the universe is made up of chemicals, and just because something is "natural" doesn't make it safe
I think the efficacy of anti depressant medication is highly debatable, the science around depression and serotonin extremely fragile and I have no doubt these drugs are massively over prescribed (to the delight of shareholders in drug companies) but I fail to see what any of that has to do with self medicating with cannabis,
Best case scenario life will pass you by as you look on in a drug induced haze, worst case scenario chronic psychosis.Been there done that, seen the movie read the book
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Hi Dr.Kim,
Id like to apologize, maybe i did involuntary lash-out and could have expressed my thoughts a little less candid. For that im sincerely sorry if i have offended you in anyway, and by all means have the right of an opinion. Was just a bad day, however that's no excuse i had no right to get my back up; guess i felt a little cornered.
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Hi blond guy,
Thanks for your input, some really great information provided with a great insight to your own experiences. I enjoyed and noted what you have said so thanks once again.
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Hi biscuit blues,
Also id like to say thank you and have noticed your posts prior, guess i got a bit caught up and as we can't multi-quote i try to limit my posts. Anyway i do understand where you're coming from and would like to say thanks for your input. P.S just so you know im more interested in a extract of the CBD rather then THC. Basically so there is positive effects rather then the psychoactive effect, just to clarify any miss conceptions of my interest.
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Hi Dan,
Thanks for the kind words, yeah i understand they're going by the text book. Im sure many look at anything to do with cannabis, as those looking to get high. I just feel it gets a bad rap, especially from those who watch a cheech and chong video thinking the special effects (hazy, hallucinogenic) relates to the substance at all. Because of the perception others have, the substance gets completely overlooked. All i know is from my experiences with the substance, i wasn't depressed, showed respect and care for others around me and most important my concentration issues were a thing of the past. Since not using many issues have returned and some additional from the AD medication.
Personally id love to smoke again and call it a day, if i did i wouldn't be here asking for help. The issue is i have had encounters with people that have no issue with me, until they find out i smoke (when i did). The reaction was amazing, they would literally turn around and walk away (their facial expressions said enough). It's like the moment they found out, within an instant their perception of me changed. Nothing i did to offend them nor did i change within the conversation, it's just the sheer fact i smoked and in their eyes i instantly became scum. That's the ashamed feeling experienced, to be judged for the sole fact i smoked not my personality. Guess that's the shallow trait of society these days, and is probably why so many people are depressed anyway.
Anyway yeah you're correct, the subject is controversial and why i was hesitant to begin with. Thanks again Dan