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Depressed about stuffing up again
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Why is it that everytime I do something I stuff up big time??
I hate it so much that now I am hating myself so much. I had a session last night with my regular therapist. He gave me work to do on the moodgym website. I started last night. But then I thought I would like a session next week to discuss certain issues I have but never have time to talk about it. So I emailed him last night. He replied this morning with - no I don't have any appts for the whole week, I will see you the following week and we can put these issues down on a list to talk about then. And he also told me not to email him a reply because he knew that I would be angry with him and he didn't want a reply. Oh yes I was damn angry with him - why couldn't he fit me in somewhere; why does he have to have boundaries;
So what did I do? - I emailed him back in my state of rage with him. I asked him if I could then speak with him today. His reply was no we will talk on Monday. That made me even more angry so I replied back saying that I was so damn angry with him and that I hated him. (He knows that I don't really hate him). He never replied back.
So I guess I have to wait until Monday, It annoys me because I know that my behaviour was very childish, and prob manipulative as well. All I wanted was to talk to him or even better have another session.
I stuff up all the time; maybe he should give up on me for good.
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Hey Jo3 its me again,
First off we all stuff up, some times it just feels like that we are stuffing up all the time, heck I am the king of stuff ups lol. Right now the comment about the he should give up on me, is not really you talking that is your frustration of not getting your way. As to why does he have boundaries the boundaries are for both of you. If he could see you all the time that you wanted, you would start to lean on him instead of trying to stand up on your own two feet. That is the real danger that, I am going to say all, theripists have to face is that their clients will lean on them to much.
I Know because for the first few months of me talking to my counciler it felt like I could not do a thing with out first running to him, ringing my hands and saying what do I do?!! Instead of simply looking at the problems myself and working them out myself.
Don't be too hard on yourself Jo we all get upset, we all get angry and when we get angry we get stupid, let yourself be human, when you see him Monday simply say your sorry that you let your anger get the better of you. And forgive yourself for it as well!!!
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Hi Dennis
Great to hear from you again. Today I am trying to stay focused on auction next Saturday, trying to stay positive that things will work out. I think what happens is that some little voice in my head pushes and pushes and tells me negative things and I get drawn into it, but I am not going to let it do this. I need to stay positive.
My therapist will ring me on Monday to "check in on me" for the week and he knows that I will be angry with him. But it's not the "I am sorry" thing that I have to say to him; it's how do I work through this issue and cope with it better next time. That's what I need to do. He is sick of me saying sorry - he wants to see changes in my behaviour.
Sometimes I feel like a little kid wanting to tell him off, scream at him and tell him where to go. But the rational side of me knows that he is my therapist, he has been for 3 yrs and I can't scream at him. But the little kid inside of me really would love to do that. It's like I am wanting to have a temper tantrum!! LOL
I need to learn how to give myself some slack, I know I expect too much of myself and that's hard to change.
Anyway, today is a beautiful sunny warm day, I'm going for a 5km walk with the dog and hubby and then coming home to lunch and watch the grand final.
I hope you have a nice weekend.
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Hi Jo,
You said " why couldn't he fit me in somewhere" Do you know his schedule? How ill are your therapists patients that fill his diary that stop him from fitting you in? What if he was attending events during the week like- going on a well earned break, more training, etc? There are so many things your therapist could be doing that he could not fit you in Jo. But you expected him to make room for you. Also he told you directly not to email him back....but you did. I dont understand either of those actions at all Jo.. You realsie this and it sparks more depression. It's a never ending cycle unless you put into practice the view that prevention is better than cure. Prevent depression by not over reacting.
So you clearly have such emotion that you go against your key supporters, the people you need. But you acknowledge this as being childish. I dont see it as manipulative. More like stamping your feet as you are not getting what you want, when you want it.
This might be classic example to your symptoms of your illness Jo. Maybe your therapist knows this and is wanting change from you, advancement, implementing his teachings, going the next step?
We cant judge the lives and schedules of others. We cant expect others to down tools for us. We must be understanding even when we are at our worst. We cant bite the hand that feeds us. This is an experience Jo that I'm sure you will overcome and it isnt likely to happen again. I say this because cognitive deficiency dictates that our childish ways, what we didnt learn as a child, has to be learned as an adult, one step at a time.
Put it in the past Jo and as Dennis wisely said, forgive yourself. Perhaps instead of saying sorry to your therapist you could walk in and say- "my insistance that you see me last week and my email back to you was lack of respect for you. it wont happen again". It's still and apology without the sorry.
Take care.
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Hi Tony
I read your reply and had to re-read it. At first reading this I was angry with myself because I can see where I did wrong. I do realise what I have done that was not the right thing to do. And part of me feels terrible for even writing on here about what I did - thinking that people will be judging me.
OK, it's happened, I can't change what I did but on Monday I will say to him that it was lack of respect for him and I will not do it again. I think I have a lot of work to do in regards to my cognitive deficiency. And like you say small steps in learning this now as an adult.
I hope no one on here judges me for what I have done; I feel bad enough without having thoughts about others on here. I have a lot of work still to do.
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Hello Jo
I think you were very brave to write your story here. I do similar things but do not have the courage to admit it. Being angry with my therapist is common for me as well as writing irate emails. I think I would die of mortification if he told me not to write back when or if he replied. But then I am so scared of being sent away that I would not have the nerve to reply.
It sounds as though basically you have a good relationship with your therapist. Good enough that you feel safe in writing rude emails. I would love to have that relationship. I am also in awe that you will be able to tell him it was lack of respect that made you write in the way you did. Wow! What a turn around. It seems you will have made the next huge step. Keep up the good work.
I frequently feel I am being childish and I do understand I need to learn to be an adult but it is hard. I fight so hard to do the right things and then convince myself that I am a useless person and waste of space. I really want some peace in my life but it's not going to happen unless I take that extreme step and some days I am so tempted.
Keep going Jo.
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Thanks for your reply. I must admit I do have a really good relationship with him. We laugh at times, we joke but at the same time he lets me release my emotions and he listens to me and never judges. I feel so comfortable with him that I can tell him everything from my children, my parents, my issues, my husband etc etc. He knows so much about me and my family. He always asks how the kids are and what they're up to.
I feel terrible when I realise that I do act childish because I am not a child; I am 49 yrs old. But I am starting to see that maybe I didn't get to express my emotions as a child and never ever expressed my own thoughts to my parents or siblings. I was very sheltered and very much shy and introverted. So I guess a part of me when I behave like this is my "child" coming out of me.
I think you can do it LING, you can take that extra step, and you will know when it is. You are not useless or a wasted space, you are an amazing person, thanks for supporting me.
Hope to chat again
Take care
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Yes Jo, LING is right, its brave to be so honest here - straight forward then admit your error.
Be proud that you know your mistake. Be prouder that you will rectify it.
None of us are perfect.
luv Tony
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I am so glad to be a part of this online forum "family". So many great friends that support each other,
Thanks Tony
Jo xx
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Hi Jo,
I made a comment of " More like stamping your feet as you are not getting what you want, when you want it" and maybe another one that wasnt good, not helpful. I hope you are ok and feel better.
Monday will be fine for you. Think positive and display your improvement you've made over recent months.
All my love, your friend Tony.