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Cant Handle Facebook

Community Member


I'm new here. After being what I feel was bullied on Facebook I have decided to delete my account. It has taken its tool on my family as I cannot stop thinking about what this person has been doing. Becouse this is a family member of my partner,  I'm very torn. I tried to address the situation online by making a status not saying the persons name to bring it out in the open however that may have backfired on me. People say its just Facebook but why do they use it this way?

 My depression seems to cause me to obsess over things. Does anybody know strategies to not be so obsessive over people who don't like me? And how I can not react straight away, which gets me into trouble the most.

I keep telling myself I'll get thru it but I feel like I'm just sinking into a bigger hole. 😞

12 Replies 12

How are your backyard friends coming along White Knight?

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Saska,

Very well indeed.  We have a glasshouse. It is needed here in the base of the mountains. We live on a tableland.

My wife is the main vegie gardener and I the flower man. But we help each other out.  The seeds are sprouting. Bumper year I reckon.

We are also looking into the 5:2 diet.

Hi Cookie,

How did you get on with deleting your Facebook account?

I'm interested as I think it would be really hard to break away from it. Amber was 100% correct- "bullying in any form is not acceptable".