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Robin Williams

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello everyone, well I haven't been on here for a little while but I had to stop in today after hearing about Robin Williams. I'm very shocked and saddened by it.  Someone that for me had always been a symbol of happiness and heartfelt emotion, but he was struggling himself.  If only if only if only he had been able to reach out.  I know from my own experience that pain can cloud your judgment but there is always a way forward, always, even if you can't see it, please please reach out to the people around you and let them shine a light for you.  Love and hope to anyone who may be feeling like this right now.

6 Replies 6

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Yes JessF, I open my arms to anyone clicking onto this section of the forum reading in desperation.  Please post on this forum your life or your dreams or your sadness. We are here to help, to advise, to care and to - listen.

Robin Williams RIP.  And Robin- when you get to meet God, please refrain from telling him "you're sitting in my seat"....

Community Member
Never thought he would end it and brought great pain when I found out it was true, but I have been there and there are heartless people in our environments when we hide our shame, hurt.  We can reach out in love and supporting each other, my first change was a couple of weeks ago, when I received a terrible and shameful e-mail, I made a "Holiday Blues" coming up soon and bring awareness. Let Hope and Kindness, with a Smile,"Stop the hurt".  The world can be cruel, but God is good all the time and He Loves Us All Regardless of any Sin. I am living proof of his love.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Jess it has really affected me the last few days knowing that such a bright spark felt this was his only option. Suicidal ideation is something a lot of us try to contain but for me it has rattled this beast in the cage I have tried to ignore. I am trying to contain the feelings and it is getting hard. I think I need help as the ball is rolling again. Thanks for sharing as it is good to know how it effects us all.

I feel the same. I was already on a downward spiral for a week then hearing the news about Robin Williams sent me lower. I called a helpline, they sent an ambulance & after brief stay at local hosp home again. Not feeling much better but trying to ride it out. I think my family have had enough of my 'episodes' but cant help it. Pls keep us all safe


Community Member

When I found out that Robin Williams had died, I immediately burst into tears. When I found out he had killed himself, I felt absolutely horrible. To have the clown, who was a beacon of happiness for others end his own life, I can't express the sadness that stirs in me. I thought he was beautiful. His eyes seemed to be the only eyes that had the understanding of how you might be feeling yourself inside. In fact I had a dream about him the other night where he was imitating someone, fully in costume and he did it to make me laugh and I didn't recognise him, but the moment I did I burst into tears and gave him a big hug. It has impacted me and others a lot knowing that he couldn't cope any longer. 

I will miss his work a lot and I fully appreciated him.

I hope he is resting and in peace wherever his beautiful soul is.

Hi Anotherone,

That reply was beautiful. you are really kind