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Can't get out of it

Community Member

How do I fight this depressed feeling and get out.  I feel very depressed due to my business.  Can't seem to have the courage to fight on.  

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


Is it clinical diagnosed depression or you feel depressed due to the business?


With your business I dont know the details but if it is failing and maybe a future closing down and its not a company then you might have to consider bankruptcy. It isnt as bad as it seems, you can still get loans for white goods etc and it last 3 years, to restart a clean slate.


If it is a business then the business can become solvent and those owing money will need to seek money from the company rather than you personally. 


What ever you decide many people get run down because they are in a jam, not knowing what to do. Action is better than the torture of a failing business. 


Generally depression is not something you fight, its a illness that you need to allow it to take its course until you feel a bit better then kick start your life again.








I hope those threads help you. By all means reply if you want to and you might want to include more details, we are anonymous here.

