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can i get some advice on my depression

Community Member
its my first time posting. i am looking for some advice to help me deal with my depression. i have been in depression for 6 years now and it gets worse every day. its that bad i have no reason to live. my parents hate me, none of my family loves me, i have no Friends i am always alone. can i get some advice plz.
3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hi wolfspirit556 - welcome and thank you for sharing your experience with us. It sounds like you're feeling quite detached from the people that matter to you in your life. I can imagine that could feel quite isolating. Do you mind me asking what makes you say that your parents hate you?

You mentioned that you're always alone… now that you’ve reached out and connected I just wanted to point out that you do have a support network through the BB community you can turn to 🙂

Was there anything that you enjoy doing that helps a little when you’re feeling this way?

Looking forward to hearing from you

Community Member

Hi wolfspirit556,

Welcome to the forum. It is great to see you reaching out here as this can be a really difficult step to take especially when you are struggling. Having these feelings that you describe can be really difficult and overwhelming. I am sorry to hear that you are going through such a tough time right now. As Swan13 has said, you are not alone. The forum is a really supportive place to get some advise about your symptoms. Having feelings of low mood is common and there are many different ways you can start to feel good again.

A common strategy to help with depression often starts with talking with a health professional about your symptoms. Sometimes this can start by sharing your experience with a person you trust and asking for help. Another option would be to visit with a Doctor or a counsellor. Is there anyone you feel you can trust that you could talk with such as a counsellor or Doctor, or a friend?

If you are struggling tonight, don't hesitate to pick up the phone and call the Beyond Blue support line on 1300 22 4636 as sometimes even having a quick chat to someone can really make a really big difference. If you are not comfortable talking with anyone just now, keep us posted on the forum of how you are going and what you are experiencing so we can get a better understanding of what supports might suit you best.

Wishing you the best possible outcome,

Nurse Jenn

Community Member

Hi Wolfspirit556

I like this name, wolf spirit. The fact you are reaching out is a real positive for a start.

Sounds like you are doing it tough at the present. Getting information and support is a choice move. I'd like to hear more about your situation, as others above have indicated. Tell us some details. How is your work or study going at the moment, for example? A lot of things fall in place when we get that right.

Look forward to hearing more.
