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Depressed Again

Community Member
I recently found myself becoming depressed and dissatisfied with my job. I was also dissatisfied with my home life. It then led to me having a sick day, then a 2nd day, then a whole week off. After that i decided to have a 2nd week off. (Not sure if I was just lazy or I really needed it). As I was casually employed the employer decided to let me go as they needed someone reliable. I was sorry about losing the job but felt i wasn't totally happy with it anyway. Before i started taking the time off I was just going through the motions at work, I would look at the clock all the time and just go through the motions. At the moment I am home but I have this restless feeling inside, yet when I try to get things done it takes me ages. I guess you could say I am bored at the moment.
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello David, and welcome to the forums.

I'm sorry about how you are feeling, so can I suggest a couple of options,

-click on 'The Facts' at the top of this page and scroll down until you see K-10, it's a test to see whether or not you have depression, can you do it several times, but not straight after eachother then

-book an appointment with your doctor taking this score from the test with you and then them what has happened.

-having lots of free time is not good, so what are your interests, and please and don't blame yourself, see what your doctor has to say.

It would be great to hear back from you.


Community Member

Hi Geoff, thanks for your reply. I actually went to the GP last week and did the k-10 test, i was given a referral to see a psychologist. It was hard to get a booking with the psychologist but I got one for this coming Wednesday so I will see how that goes.

I am still at home at the moment and it does get frustrating, I feel like I should be working and bringing in a pay cheque. I do try to get stuff done at home but it seems to take me all day.

You asked me about interests. I don't really have many. I like to go for walks,I like reading and I watch a lot of tv when i'm home like this.

I hope this message finds you well Geoff

regards David.