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borderline personality disorder

Community Member
Hello everyone. I am 21 years old and have recently been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I've known for quite a while that something wasn't right and I suffer from anxiety and depression. I feel as though I can function in a job, I can study and I can have great friendships but the moment I meet a male and get attached to him these things all suffer. I always feel as though they are going to leave, I always question them thinking something is wrong when it probably isn't. I get with them way to quickly just because I have it in my head that maybe they'll stay. It takes me a while to recover from this and I am deeply knocked by it. I just wanted to know if there was anyone out there around my age who has this disorder? or is there anyone out there with BPD that managed to maintain a relationship, to get engaged and get married or have children? because that is my biggest fear. I am able to meet males and maybe go on 2 or 3 dates but soon enough I get attached and its like I purposely wreck it, I overthink and I always assume that they'll either leave or get with someone else. I can be impulsive in the way I text them constantly and I hate that about me. I have recently gone to a psychologist who recommended dialectical behavioural therapy. I want to do it as I feel it'll help me but it is so expensive that I am unable to do it. Is there anyone out there that have done some sort of therapy that has worked or even improved your mental illness that isn't so expensive? I'm at a loss
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Community Member


those are good tips for emotional regulation, I’m working on that also, by trying to talk to myself a lot about how I’m feeling and telling myself that I could be wrong. I’m finding that realising that paranoia is affecting me a lot is quite confronting so I’m try to take that slow.

with the developing self stuff. I’ve found it was really helpful to try to connect with my inner child. By first trying to picture her. It took ages to make a connection, and to see what I could offer her. You could also try drawing representations of self, like hurt parts, or dreams...

I found an online resource through positive psychology . Com called what is self-expression and how to foster it, it seems they believe self identity is really linked to self expression and a lot of activities and suggestions around that.

I also have found a resource through virtual school .Org Called sense of self an introduction, it’s a parent resource, but has really good explanations and how adults can develop sense of self

I also found that trying to express to others what I don’t like, and also to say “no”. Helps me to have a better sense of myself.

I hope you are going ok

i found a resource