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Avoidance & Selfesteem issues
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Hi all, I was about to reply to my dear friend Neil when I realised there was a common thread through many people's stories & situations. So many of experience low Selfesteem, lack of confidence, fear of future, feel like a failure. And for some people the way they cope is to use avoidance strategies to escape the pain & experiences they are dealing with. For so long I have used avoidance behaviour whenever I could to cope. This may be taking extra medication, drinking, escaping into another situation etc. but I just thought I'd mention it as its a big part of depression. And when we cannot feel hope, we do the next best thing-try to escape the situation (& this includes harm issues). I don't have the answered & right now I wish I could escape/avoid how I'm feeling-but in my situation the depression has overwhelmed me beyond my usual point of hiding it & coping with it. But I have always had low Selfesteem, I have always blamed myself for anything & everything. I apologise for things that people say "why are you apologising?), I see myself as a failure with no hope. Yet 10yrs ago I was in a high level job & was a different person. Now escaping into work was also an avoidance issue in some ways as I excelled at work but had experienced post-natal depression so I thought my kids were better in daycare. But they weren't happy & missed me & I eventually gave up work to be there for them and I'm so glad I did-yet the isolation when there is no one around is hard to manage. And from the reading I've done of people's stories-there seems to be an initial trigger or memory of painful experience from the past that they are still dealing with, as well as current issues which collide & bring us down. We may not even be able to identify the trigger/issue of pain as we have buried it deep & are now just coping with symptoms like me rather than moving on tie taking the next step of confronting or facing painful feelings, memories & thoughts. I don't know if any of this makes sense. I started off thinking of Neil & then thought so many of us may experience feeling at the bottom of the world. So this thread is "dedicated" to Neil ( im so awful hey) for those who can relate to the issues I've raised. Lve Mares x
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Hi Mares,
I am exactly like you - blaming myself for everything. My self confidence is zero. And avoidance - well i avoid things if i can; avoid talking to my husband about how i am feeling; avoidance of paying bills, i block it out somehow. Fear of future and fear of failing - that is me to a tee.
I was having coffee with morning with a friend (another positive thing I did this morning) and I told her about my work hrs being cut in half and that I have no goals in life. She asked me what do i want to do - and do you know I didn't have an answer for her. i don't know.
I agree that sometimes being on here does triggers things that sets us off and I can agree with that. And some days I think I am never coming back on here but I can't stop. I have so many friends on here now that I just want to stay on here and give as much love, support and help that I can. Even though I am not so great myself and my mind is so mixed up I still want to help others. Sometimes I think that what i write is so wrong and doesn't make sense or I am being judged - but that's me; I just write from my heart.
Sorry I have digressed (as Neil would say!!).
Mares, pls take care
Jo xxx
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Hi Mares, Jo and all the wonderful folk of Beyond Blue
These two items listed in the subject heading of this thread would be key factors in so many of our lives.
Avoidance is something that I deal with pretty much on a daily basis. Having to go to work - for 5 days a week, well it DOES happen each of those days and on multiple occasions. It gets real hard you know. And you get yourself all worked up about things ... of having to make the 'small chat' as an example and really all it is, is a few words spoken, nothing much more and then move on; and the other person isn't out to physically harm you or taunt you (well, I hope not anyway), so what's the drama? I guess it's anxiety disorder. Let me digress for a small sec ...
Way way back when ... I got married ... I was 21 ... it only lasted for 18 months; and that's all good. But I have to paint the scenario ... so here I was just a shy country boy who had only moved to the city less than 2 years before and he was about to get married. Now in all the marriages/weddings I've ever seen, the Groom has to make a speech. And yes, sure enough, I had to do that as well ... and for weeks leading up to it, I was absolutely &(I&(*&(*^&^ myself!! (sorry I don't know what happened there, I tried to type the word, "&*^*%^^&" and it came out as &**^^%&% ... that's weird huh?) Anyway a mate of mine said to me in the leadup, "Mate don't worry ... it'll be absolutely fine ... it's a wedding, it's YOUR wedding. People will clap, laugh and cheer no matter what you say". And you know, they did clap laugh and cheer ... and it was good.
But the thing for me was I was so worried about the speech that I was just tense for the whole time leading up to that moment and as I was progressing through it, I felt, hey, this isn't as bad as what I was thinking it'd be.
The amazing thing after the speech was over, for me, the rest of the function/time absolutely flew by. I can't remember much about the rest of it, because the weight had been lifted and I was ok to continue as 'normal'.
Ok, so there you go ... another diversion from me.
I can't even remember ... oh, hang on, yes I can. It was how to roast ducks without spilling too much fat on the ... no no, this is the wrong website for that Neil ! Get your *&(&&(* together will you!
Self-Esteem is a tough one. Well so is avoidance, but I've already touched on it. But yeah, self-esteem can really rip you apart, from the inside out. And this is where depression and mental illness is such a cruel beast (and lazy). Because it notices that you're already low and feeling down ... so why pick you back up and punch you again, when it's much easier to lay the boot into when you're already feeling down.
So you're depressed or got anxieties, etc and then someone comes along and says something completely unwarranted (in any situation - hey, now I know why we do the avoidance thing ... to lessen the extent for something bad said to us) or something happens to us that affects us badly ... we see something, or hear something or even do something and bang, it's a massive kick into the guts and we feel even worse than we did before.
I don't know people ... why do I post stuff like this? I hear that a few of you actually read my stuff and for that I thank you. But really, what's it all about? Again questioning things? Who knows? Who cares?
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Neil my friend
great post!!
I did read it. LOL
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I want to avoid everyone and everything at the moment.
Self esteem - big fat 0
My life - one big mess