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Audiobook recommedation

Community Member

First time post and first time reaching out for help.
can anyone recommend an audiobook that has helped them start the road out of depression. My brain fog makes it hard to read books and I thought maybe Iā€™d try an audiobook?

many thanks šŸ‘šŸ»

6 Replies 6

Community Member

Hi MamaWiks

the Comfort book by Matt Haig might be a good one.

Thank you so much Summerinvincible, will definitely check that one out. Appreciate it!

MamaWiks šŸ™‚

Community Champion
Community Champion

For me, it depends on what type of book you are looking for?

For example, some books may of a more practical nature that may ask you to complete activities as part of each chapter. You might also get something out of reading about another persons story. And then there are books that might be specific to certain models of treatment.

With all of that said, one book recommended to me by my psychologist was "the happiness trap" by Russ Harris.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MamaWiks~

As Smallwolf said, it depends on the sort of book you are looking for.

When I first went into a psych ward with depression and other problems I was given a set of adolescent fantasies by a kind nurse to help me pass the time. It made a huge difference

I was transported away from the harsh real world to another place with princes and princesses, where the good lived happily ever after having faced impossible adversities and the bad got their just desserts.

It was the tonic I needed, and I still enjoy fantasy, though of a more adult type.

In audio-books I'd suggest a different set of books collectively called the "Dragonriders of Pern", written by Anne McCaffrey. I'd start with "Dragonsong", a gentle story with much appeal and a happy ending.

I have checked and these books are available as audio books. You may even find some in your local state library, probably in CD sets

If this is the sort of thing you want to try then I hope this helps you as much as it did me


Hi MamaWiks

how did you go?

Succulent Queen
Community Member

Hey There..,

I'd recommend 'Lost Connections' by Johan Hari. This book sways a little away from meds/psychs and more towards loss of community as a cause for depression.

Take Care