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Depression & anxiety in the bush

Community Member

Does anyone else feel that inevitably their life will enter a time where its not worth it anymore. Do I work my whole life? For what? Do I have kids and watch them leave and have their own lives? My partner dies or we seperate? Then what? At the moment I’m finding it hard to find a reason that keeps everyone hanging around. I used to be a hard worker, 14 hour days 3 months straight. I’m burnt out. I need some time to myself but I’m just not getting it. I don’t know what to do or where to go. If I quit my job/industry I feel I will hate the next thing I do. If I don’t leave I will run myself into the ground.

Married 2 months ago and don’t know how to talk to my husband about this. It’s so hard for anyone to understand.

4 Replies 4

Hi MiddleOfNowhere,

We are so sorry to hear about what you're going through; it sounds like it has been tough. Thank you for being part of our forums. We hope that you can get some support here, the community will be here to listen and chat with you. You can also reach out to Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline 13 11 14.

Community Member

Hi MiddleofNowhere

sorry to hear you’re going through this.
I could be wrong but it sounds that your job is contributing to a lot of your depressing thoughts. Would it be possible to reduce your hours or take a few days or leave? Just an idea. One thing I regret is not looking after myself when I was younger. I hope you’re able to at least take a small break. Being in the bush would be difficult with less resources. Maybe virtual therapy would help?


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi MiddleOfNowhere,

Wellcome to our forums!

Sorry you are feeling this way…

I understand your difficulties of feeling burnt out….. 14hours is a very long shift………

Can you take some time off?

I understand you needing time to yourself……

im here to chat if you feel you want to chat more about things 😊

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi MiddleOfNowhere,

Thank you so much for your post, and I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. It sounds like you're really focused on the future and what it will hold for you, which rings true for me as an overthinker who constantly worries about philosophical questions of purpose and the meaning of life. For me, I'm terrified of my partner dying, or anybody I love. So you're not alone with these thoughts, I know plenty of people who worry about this too.

As someone who's also experienced burnout in the past few years from excess homework, work and stress, I completely understand your position and know what it's like to be overwhelmed like this. I agree that it may be a good idea to take some time off. I'd encourage you to focus on yourself, and recognise what it is in life that you want. Not just career-wise, but in terms of what fulfils you and makes you happy. For me, I'm happiest when I'm engaging in creative pursuits, so I want to make sure that I'm doing something long-term that satisfies my creative drive.
14 hours of work sounds like a lot, especially if you're not entirely happy with the job that you're in. In this instance, I'd prioritise yourself and your own needs, and if you can, maybe find yourself a job that gives you more satisfaction and allows you to make time for yourself. I know that you feel you may not like the next job you try to pursue, but honestly, I would encourage you to try it out. I think about it this way: with each new workplace you enter, you give yourself more insight into what you value and do not value in a working environment.

I would also encourage you to seek out some kind of virtual therapy, as it may be useful for you to have a regular, stable figure in your life with whom you can share these thoughts and feelings, especially as you say you would find it difficult to discuss this with your husband.

I wish you the very best with this situation and hope that you find clarity, solace, and happiness.

Best wishes, SB