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Anyone else feel like they have cement in their brain ?

Community Member

I am trying to see the funny side in my current situation and I'm finding it easier to write my thoughts down on the computer then when I'm talking to people face to face , dueto depression on its own and probably the colder weather, my brain feels like cement, brain fog some people call it but this feels more like a cement that makes having the patience to deal with getting a better phone deal an issue hah so I just gave up , I think thats what everyone has do when depressed or just frazzled just give some of your daily goals up because sometimes your brain has maxxed out hah. Anyways I am looking to start a new medication that will hopefully help with the cement until I have a magnetic brain treatment in a few months, I'm not allowed to mention treatments here yes ? Anyways would love to hear from other people who feel like they have cement in their brain , we will hopefully all get back to clarity.

10 Replies 10

Community Member

Hi fred2018's welcome to the community.

I some points i have felt like this at times an some times still do but dont losses all hope.

Finding your way out may come in the form of a socail activity that you enjoy an can share where go for just a short while you can leave you problems at the door an just do the activity.

Talk to some one close to you it may be hard but its always worth trying.

These are just some thoughts that may help you as they did me over time all the best from rust200

Community Member
Omg, I know the feeling. I tried to explain it to my mum she didn't get me at all! i explained the feeling like my head feeling sick like my brain was sick she didn't really get me though.

Glad to know, you know what I am talking about , it is tricky speaking to others who have not experienced it, without freaking them out a little hah. I suppose you just have to forgive them or tell them to look up the brain dysfunction with depression for them to understand it a bit better. All the best keep moving forward

Community Member
Yep, I know what you are talking about. I am not a fan of the colder weather/shorter days and I feel depressed as they set in. I want to stay inside and I know that is not the best thing. Sunlight is the best medicine, but it's hard to get motivated.

Community Member

hello fred,

yes i too feel like i have cement in my brain. i wish someone would pressure hose it out of there, but it seems like it was a good mix and pour job . thanks for your post it made me smile. i also like your suggestion for giving up some daily goals and will follow your advice.

best wishes, pawsy

Community Member
I've heard mixed things but I have a light lamp its a Phillips one bought it online. I'll use in the morning to see if its any benefit with energy etc in the day. All the best

Community Member
Sorry to hear you to have cement brain, yeah skipping the occasional chore or something that your brain might not be up to , might help you get through the day. All the best

Community Member

Hey Fred,

Sorry this won't be too helpful since I have never gotten my mental health and cement head checked out, but I know exactly how you're feeling, for the last few months my brain has been feeling just like that. I read somewhere that feeling like your head is heavy or feeling numbness in your head (both which I feel a lot) is because of untreated mental health. I'm not too sure if that's true since the website didn't look too legit, but I do feel that my mental health has been getting worse lately (and I've never had the courage to get it checked out). I also have great difficulty speaking to people about my cement brain and mental health, and I feel more comfortable typing about it. If you or anyone else has tips about getting the courage to get it checked out please let me know

I hope everything goes well!

Hi Fred

I have been staring at your thread topic on and off all evening and yes I feel like I have cement in my brain occasionally after having anxiety followed by depression for a while now!

You are spot on....some people call it 'brain fog'....I just consider it a part of the roller coaster ride of my own symptoms/illness......anxiety/depressive illness...even though I am recovery with AD's and frequent counseling

you have a great attitude Fred...Good1 🙂

my kind thoughts
