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Worst Joke Wednesday

Community Member

Hi all

I know a while back there was a thread with some jokes on it - just to try and lighten the load for folk and to provide a few jolly japes and spiffy spifferoons (those words etched in my memory bank from the late and great Kenny Everitt).  However, I was far to lazy to try and find the other thread, so thought I'd start up a new one WJW.

Here we go people, something to start you off with:

"When I was a small boy, I had a dog named Tax.  I'd open the door and "Income Tax""

"That very same year, I had a bird called Enza.  I'd open the window and "Influenza"


Now, they can't be done on any other day - for it is after all, Worst Joke Wednesday.

See if you can beat either of those?


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Community Champion
Community Champion

Bamburger is hilarious!



How did the burger answer the phone?

Lettuce talk!

Community Champion
Community Champion

What do you call a burger that’s an expert in art?

A MoMA-burger!

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I added a burger joke a couple of days ago and it’s disappeared! It was not in any way offensive so I’m not sure what happened to it 🤔 Perhaps it was so bad it couldn’t be published?! Anyway, that’s not meant to be a joke but here is one…


Why was the burger not able to leave the kitchen?


Because the burger was stuck in a pickle 🥒 

Community Champion
Community Champion

I did reply to one burger joke of yours earlier in the week, ER, are you sure it's not that one on the previous page?


Here's another:


How does a burger propose?

You're bun in a million! Will you marry me?

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Ha ha! Very good SB. The one I replied to was on this page but for some reason is not there. It was pretty bad anyway. Here is another...


What kind of burger likes to sing along with the radio in the kitchen?


A humburger.



Community Champion
Community Champion

Now for the inevitable "walks into..." joke


A burger walks into a bar, but the bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Croix, that is hilarious! I am imagining the burger looking very dejected and moping out of there.


What kind of burger is used in false advertising?


A shamburger.

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Why did the zebra cross the road?


Because she was at a zebra crossing 🦓 

Community Champion
Community Champion

What did the cat say after she'd recovered from her illness?


I'm feline better!

Community Champion
Community Champion

A cop stopped a driver who had a rare illegal lynx in his car

"What are you doing with that  lynx?"

"I’m taking him to the Zoo officer."

"Well, OK" and the cop let them go


The next day the same cop saw the same driver, still with the lynx, however they were now wearing sunglasses

“You said you were taking it to the zoo”

“I did, but we had such a great time today we’re going to the beach”