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The BB cafe
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The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.
The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.
Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ...
So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...
Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open
At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe
Important Message from ModSupport:
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads.
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Feta sounds delicious, so do olives and halloumi... I've been super into halloumi lately, particularly a good halloumi salad. I'm a huge fan of Greek salads, which tend to combine all of those flavours.
Does anyone else like salads? I feel like as I'm getting older, I've gotten more into them because they're so diverse and healthy. I made a sweet potato and rocket one a few weeks back that was DELICIOUS.
What are everyone's favourite kinds of salads?
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Hey Hey everyone!....and thankyou Fiatlux for making me hungry!! New posters are always welcome!
Kooka’s Country Cookies are available in all Woolworths Supermarkets...made in Oz from buttermilk and real lemon filling/or the other other variety with choc coated with a jam filling. Yummm
New posters are always welcome as the Beyond Blue Cafe is a caring place to have a cuppa prior to posting on the heavier threads. If you wish to post about what makes you happy, you are always welcome!
my kindest always
Senior Volunteer
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Blondguy and everyone reading,
I just wonder what everyone is doing and if you have any food you always eat at this time of year that is part of your traditions. Do you only make some food only around Christmas?
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Hello everyone….🤗🩷.
Paul I like the fact that Kooka’s Country Cookies are Australian made…I discovered them a few year back and occasionally buy them as a small treat for me….They are yummy..
Quirky, I have spent the past 7 Christmases alone, I don’t really make anything special to eat..I just have what I feel like to eat…I remember I had cheese n tomato toasties one year because I like it and felt like it…I don’t buy anything special for Christmas, I don’t feel the need to…
I remember as a child, my mum always cooked a Turkey with veggies and my dad received a fruit cake and a tin ham from work as a Christmas bonus….Those days we looked forward to it, because it was the only day of the year that we had these thing to eat…now a days, yesterdays special Christmas foods are available all year round…
I will attend my local online church service, after that listen to some Christmas songs, give my fur babies their present, usually a nice big bone they can chew on for hours….I do wrap up the bones, it’s so much fun watching them make a mess of the wrapping paper😂😂😂…after cleaning up their paper mess, I’ll binge watch classic Christmas movies for a few hours…
I find it fascinating how for weeks, there is this huge build up for Christmas Day….then when that day ends, night falls we sleep, then the next day had arrived, everything goes back to normal…Christmas is forgotten about for another 12 months…
sbella, I do like salads, my favourite is simple garden salad , (lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber) which I add some basil, mint, dill, oregano, feta cheese, black pitted olives with an olive oil and lemon dressing…
Hope everyone is having a nice day and keeping as cool as you can….I hear thunder in the distance, I hope it brings some rain and a cool change for sleeping tonight…
Love and gentle hugs everyone..🩷🤗
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Grand thanks for your post. I am glad you have fond memories of Christmas.
Christmas today is just another day for me. I know many feel lonely and people are stressed about family Christmas lunch.
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It's not a salad but a combination I stumbled across has become a favourite of mine...only 2 things....feta cheese (the Danish kind that doesn't crumble ) and red grapes (seedless) It's OK with green grapes too but better with red. chop feta into pieces and pop into your mouth with a sweet red grape....nice combo, trust me.,,Moon S
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Moonstruck, that sounds like the most delicious combination and I'm very keen to give it a try. I love grapes, and equally I love feta.
Grandy I agree, for me there's so much preparation for Christmas and so many Christmas-related activities that take place in the weeks leading up to it, only for the festivities themselves to last for a very small portion of the day. I do enjoy all the activities surrounding Christmas - me and my friends made candles, got little Christmas-themed mugs to drink hot chocolates, we all got each other gifts. And also - a nice garden salad sounds great!
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Hello & Merry Xmas everybody!
Deck the halls & fling the figgy pudding (I really don't think I'd like figgy puddy except as part of the festive decorations) ... I've got one prezzie I've waited this long to open, so waiting another sleep won't be too difficult. I'm not exactly sure what half of it is. One half I strongly suspect is a box of my favourite chocolates, while on top, it feels like six large bread rolls, which are too firm to be bread rolls, unless they are six weeks old ... it's wrapped up so well, there's no chance of me peeking without tearing the paper, so I've been trying to imagine what it could possibly be.
I made some jelly with the tin of cherries is juice I had; made it a bit too sloppy, but I am sure that will still be nice with ice cream.
This year, I've wanted lots of ice cream, rich vanilla &/or chocolate.
I experimented with serving my vanilla ice cream in a cone, with the occasional small dollop of the blueberry jam (one of GPs at the local surgery makes), smeared - j ust a few such dollops between each layer of ice cream until reaching a little ways higher thn the top of the cone, of-course. You don't want to stop adding ice cream before it's higher than the cone. Don't add too much jam, because it's very sweet, so not much is needed.
This combo worked out very well.
If I'd had strawberry jam or cherry jam, I'd have tried those too.
Now I've got my sloppy jelly with cherries to add to my cone, tomorrow. 😹
I have decided to make a toasted cheese+ham+cheese+tomato+cheese sandwich. Yeah, three layers of cheese, so be careful how much. Mmmm, pesto on the bread, too? I think so.
After cooking one side, to turn over to cook the sandwich, place a small plate upside down on it & hold while lifting with a spatula & turning the lot then sliding the sandwich off the plate back into the frypan. Oh, sorry, I didn't tell you, you need a frypan (I use one the stove).
I think that will actually do me....
Merry Xmas!
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Hey Grandy and everyone! New posters are especially welcome!
Kooka Country Cookies are mouth watering buttermilk cookies made in Donald in country VIC.
My mum loved them with her cup of tea/glass of Milk.
Cadbury is owned by Mondelez International, based in Chicago in the USA. Still yummy!
If anyone wants to have a look at the website for Kooka Country Cookies...Its basic yet they are a small company.
Good on everyone for supporting a small Australian company 😁😁
my kindest always...(Hugs for Grandy for her exemplary care)
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Hello everyone….🤗..
Moonstruck, I tried your favourite treat…I enjoyed it so much, sitting on my lounge watching an old classic Christmas movie with a bowl of grapes and feta cheese munching on them occasionally was very refreshing…thank you so much for sharing that combination…
Kitty, Your ice cream/jam cones sounds delicious, I haven’t tried it as yet but will next time, when I go shopping I’ll buy those items, I’m hoping your gift wasn’t 6 week old bread rolls and they were something that you both wanted and enjoyed….
sbella, I really enjoy burning my candles, I have tried on occasions to make my own, unfortunately I don’t do a good job….I have given up making them, I see things in my mind on how they will turn out, but the outcome is, well let’s just say 😂😂😂…but disappointing as well….
Paul you’re always a very kind and supportive person here on the forums and no doubt in real life as well….I do hope you’re doing okay..🤗…
Well today is the last time we write the 2024 date…tomorrow starts 2025 year….not making any New Year’s resolution for me…so that means no disappointing myself…The peel owning the property across from me are having a party, I’ll leave my door open and listen to the music they play…hoping it is something I like…I probably won’t sit up to midnight..I have learnt over the years, that one year follows another year to quickly (especially the older I get)….and nothing much changes differently in my life from year to year except getting older….
Does anyone make New Year’s resolutions and are able to keep them?
Enjoy today the best you can, if your celebrating tonight I hope you have an awesome time…
Love with gentle caring hugs…🩷🤗..