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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Grandy, Paul & everyone.

Grandy, the gift I got was some of my favourite chocolates with cherries inside them, & 4 tins of Root Beer, which I've heard is available somewhere, but my support worker forgot where he'd got some, (or later, I think he was deliberately not telling me knowing what his mum was giving me). HE'd said it was one of the larger supermarket chains, but upon asking each, they didn't know what I was talking about - at least not at the particular shops where I usually by groceries. He  says now, maybe it was at a grocery shop near to where he lives....

In case you wonder, Root Beer tastes a lot like double sarsaparilla, only a litle sweeter.

I like it a lot, & haven't had it since I was a child.

So, I have kept a couplle tins for tonight. & I'll have some chocolate ice cream.

I had a light lunch today so I will also have some more yummy ham....

The best thing that could happen here is that my neighbours & any guests they have, will keep things quite & peaceful. 

I'll play some music, which may or may not include Auld Lang Syne as recorded by James Taylor, because the music list I have on this website I visit plays them completely randomly. Even without the Xmas songs, my list is pretty long. I'm finding so many songs - it's wonderful.



Hi BB Cafe friends,


I dropped in to catch up with everyone today for my last day of the year.


Thank you to everyone for the lovely support I have received from you all. 

I have already made a lovely spaghetti with big juicy prawn in a red sauce. It was delicious.


I have a blueberry and quark strudel from Aldi which is delicious and I will pop that in the oven soon. This was so reasonably priced that it was hardly worth making this from scratch.


Looks like I will be doing New Year’s Eve alone again. I will watch tennis and fireworks on TV to keep me company. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful 2025. See you all next year! Warmest wishes from Fiatlux 🙏🏼



Happy New Year and have a GREAT 2025 everyone!!


Grandy x...Fiatlux....Kitty....Moon..sbella.. and everyone!!


I am very fortunate to work alongside so many dedicated people that do so much to provide support to people who are struggling. 







Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Yay! 😹 Happy New Year, everyone, wherever you are across this wide land.  

All the best for 2025





Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello and Happy New Year Everyone! 🥳 


It’s actually still 2024 here but I know it’s ticked over for many of you.


I’m currently watching Paul Dempsey and Bernard Fanning sing Under Pressure on the ABC New Year’s thing.


Wishing everyone the best for 2025! 🤗

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone…..🤗,


Just popping in to wish you all a Happy New Year…my wish for you all is for a healthy and peaceful year…


The party never eventuated across from me last night…maybe because of the forecast of rain which never came…I live in a very tiny village…less then 200 residents but it was more like Central Park last night…so many fireworks going off in the streets behind me…my poor sweet fur babies were so frightened of the noise that they were practically glued to me….I ended up going to bed after the Indiana Jones movie finished….around 11pm…fur girls usually sleep in their own beds but last night they both curled up together on the floor right next to where I sleep in bed….so I moved there beds their…..


Kitty, I’ve never tried Sarsaparilla or root beer…I always thought root beer was a different name for Ginger beer 😁…silly me….I do like ginger beer, the ones in the brown glass bottle..


I spotted “Nannas” Rhubarb and Apple pies In Woolworths before Christmas so I bought enough packets to bring in for afternoon tea today, tomorrow or when ever your feeling for one…they are kept in the freezer so will last a long time…


I think I’ll sit under the huge Willow tree just down the little hill by BB Cafes beautiful running stream…and feed the ducks, geese and swans that reside there…something very calming about watching these beautiful birds floating gently onto of the water…


Have a peaceful day, sending everyone some love and hugs 🤗..




Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

would you believe I have actually seen hot cross buns in the supermarket already? Just to prove it, I've brought some into the BB Cafe to share. I like the ones with chocolate chips, or the apple pieces, but I decided to grab a whole mixed bunch of packs, to have enough for everyone.


I know I've got to get more exercise done, now I"m sure t;he injection has helped & I can use the gym equipment more effectively, again, but I"m not making any resolutions about it. It's just that having longer gym sessions, with more intense exercise is the intention & what I'm striving for. Being discouraged by any lapse or sense that I'm not doing 'good enough', is too easy for me to fall into, so I don't want to put any such pressure on myself. I'm just thinking this is ideally what I'd like to be doing.




Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello everyone……🤗🩷..


I do believe you mmMekitty, Last week out my way at Coles they were on the shelves..and sadly enough some were still half frozen…how sad is that, makes me wonder if they are from last years unsold stock….


I noticed a few weeks ago a new vending machine placed in the Coles arcade….it’s a fairy floss machine…not it packets…I was watching a young child use it….he put his money in the slot and then not sure what happens inside but a stick with white fairy floss wrapped around it pops out….what are they going to think of next ?…


Being such hot weather I thought I would bring in the freezer truck, full of every type of ice cream you can think of…I love coffee ice cream…so I made myself a coffee choc top, double chocolate top of course….like the ones the movie theatre had…not sure if they still have them….


If you could make your own special unique ice cream flavours what would you have?


I hope everyone’s day is a good day…


Love and hugs everyone 🩷🤗.






Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi mmKitty...


Focusing on intentions rather than strict resolutions can be a healthy approach - Hoping it all works out for you!


Honestly... In Brisbane, the hot cross buns were out just before Christmas. I couldn't believe it.


But I’m not complaining—especially if there’s chocolate chip involved and when you bring then here to the BB Café; they sound delicious. 😊

Hey Grandy and Tim..


Good point about the Ice Cream.....Interesting.

The owner of Chiquita Brands International (Chiquita Bananas)  visited Australia 30 years ago and was perplexed why there wasnt any Banana Ice Cream in our Supermarkets...I agree with him as there still isnt any Banana Ice Cream in Australian Supermarkets...


There is a banana ice cream (on a stick) yet is not the real deal...Its watery and and made o/seas..

I live on my own now and not interested in making it..I agree with the owner of Chiquita Bananas....who was surprised we didnt have a a 2liter tub of full cream locally made Banana Ice Cream 😀! Yummm


Happy Australia Day (for yesterday) Grandy and Smallwolf 


my kindest always 

