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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

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Community Member

Hey there, this place looks great!

So cappo please with extra shot, make that with skim milk, looking after myself 😁

Yeh so I'm new here and I love my food, anything recommended? 

I see your looking after yourself, ummm, so what's the secret?

Never mind, we will talk later about it, I love the decor, you did it ?

Anyway thanks for the chat and coffee too! 😎

Bye 👋


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi BigB & welcome!

Whatever we have is on the menu for everyone. & you can have your cupppa anyway you like.

Me, I'm trying to remember to drink more water, even while it's humid.

I don't think there is any secret to doing my best to get myself eating healthier, so long as I remember that eating healthy is treating myself better. Being able to do that is a real privilege & a treat.

We all contribute to the decor, too. I put in the pool table & the popcorn machines. Stay clear of the one with the cats on it, unless you like your popcorn to tast like anchovies.

What would you like to find at your local cafe?

This cafe is like a mansion of many rooms, which all happen to be in the one big room. Outside you'll notice the farm where we get all our fresh fruit, ved, herbs,spices & in the basement, we have a fine fungus farm. You'll see some cows, goats, & chickens around the place, too.

It's all here, anything you can imagine.

It's realy great to meet you. I hope you are feeling welcome & comfortable with us here at BB Cafe.

Little hugzies, if you like.


Hi Paws & Woofa

You padded in while I was talking to SB & Grandy.

As Grandy had asked, I answered there, in the post that landed just above yours.

I'm not so sure about no nuts in Ginger Nut Biscuits, because of how they make them all on the same factory machinery. Not sure how often they stop production to clean that machinery. Have you ever read the fine print, where they advise that this product may contain allergens, such as nuts, egg, soy, milk, etc..? They must be putting that on the packs because of the possibility & they dont' want to be liable if someone has an allergic reaction from some biscuits they reasonably would not expect to find an allergen in.

'Ginger Nut Biscuits' does sound like false or misleading labelling. But would you like some anyway?

How about one to chuck for Woofa to chase?

Hugzies & nosebumps


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Ha! The weather has played tricks on me! It's gone somewhat rainy & not so hot as anticipated, which means, I am cooking after all.

I want to do something with the lentil burgers I bought. I thought, cut up some onion, grate some potato & get them started. Then. when the potato is nearly done, break up the lentil burgers, & begin cooking them in the frypan, too. Grate some cheese while waiting for the things in the frypan to finish cooking, & sprinkle with ghe cheese you grated. Put a lid over to hurry up the melting of the cheese.

Note, don'e have the pan on any more than medium, & turn it down a little when adding the lentil burger pieces, then loer still when adding the cheese.

What would you do with your lentil burgers, assuming you don't like themmuch, but refuse to throw into the bin?

Odd thing, a feeling I noticed, of being disappointed about the unexpected repreave from the hot day I had planned for....? I am glad it's not so hot, but, at the same time, I feel 'cheated', like, how dare the weather be so changeable?

Hugzies to everyone whether you respond here or not. I'm happy to shout out 'Hello' to you all , anyway, & hope you are having a happy day.


Community Champion
Community Champion

BigB, welcome! Cappuccino coming right up.


All this talk of food is making me hungry, mmMekitty. I made pancakes for my friends this morning, so using my newfound expertise, I'll bring some for our BB Café attendees to enjoy!


I'll also have a go on that pool table if I may, anyone joining?? Love me a bit of pool, even if I'm no good. It's still super fun. 


SB x

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi SB, I'll join you at the pool table, not on top, as is my usual. want (heheh, that's why I really installed it for - me!) Although I can't see hardly anything on it anymore, except the bright custom-made turquoise baise I had made for it, because of how when I look at it the turquoise colour seems to take over all my feild of view, these days. So no matter how poorly you think you play, you have a great chance of winning! You can also take into account that I have no depth perception, nor can I estimate distances & angles anymore ...  on every scale, you got me beat! But by golly it's fun! 

& good exercise. It stretches my underarms wher they need, both side, because I don't mind switching the cue from left to right between turns.

I would like a little help to ensure I don't damage the baise when I am trying to hit the cue ball. Thanks.

Can my pancake be savoury, with salmon on them?

Hmm, I still have some lemon infused olive oil from Xmas .... wonder if I can make lemony pancakes with a little of that? Or, as I've done already, pour a little over the salmon, let that sit a while before cooking, (in the fridge - way too hot today, where I am).

I think you are too young to have seen the tv show 'Pot Black', which began as a black & white tv show, so long ago, I'm sure you weren't even a twinkle ... maybe a dream? The commentators had to try to describe the game, which involved indicating where coloured balls were, to an audience who only saw the picture in shades of grey. (Wonder if it's on YouTube. So much is on on YouTube, it wouldn't surprise me, if it is)

Today I had what I hoped would be more like ice cream, but it didn't work out like that. It was more like an icy cold milkshake, but not airy enough - still tasted wonderful.

I made it yesterday afternoon.

I made it with Semi-skim milk, with some full-cream milk powder, coffee, cinnamon powder & sweetener (not sugar or honey, nothing like that). I used my stick mixer, hoping to aerate it, & put in freezer, taking it out to mix again, when it began getting ice crystals. I did that a couple more times, but I think I should have started earlier so I could mix it up another couple times. Maybe that's what it needed.

I like when my failed experiments taste so yummy anyway! Sorry, I ate/drank it all up myself!


Community Champion
Community Champion



Lemon-infused olive oil pancakes can indeed be arranged, and we'll eat them over a game of pool. I quite like doing those backhanded pool shots, where you flip the cue behind your back and try to make the shot from there. They never work out for me, but it's always fun to try.


I was unfortunately just a mere thought when that show first aired, I did have a Google search though. An interesting concept, having to describe a game that the audience is viewing in black and white. Oh, how times have changed.


Ice-cream is great, but icy cold milkshakes are enjoyable in their own right too! So a win-win situation either way. I suppose I'll join you and make milkshakes for our BB Café guests today, what flavour would everybody like?



Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello SB, LRC, wave to everyone,


I remember watching Pot Black it was a staple in my house... now I'm feeling my age 😁 


I think I will need to have a rummage around Grandy's magic 💼 for a step to stand on if I'm to join you in a game of pool... either that or look for a 🪓 to chop the legs of the table down a bit... 


Lovely & cool here today, but heading for the mid 30s later this week... not looking forward to that... might camp out in the cool of the BB cafe... the temp is always perfect here.








I'm sorry Paws. When I brought the pool table in I was wanting to have a high, central place from which to survey all my world!

Certinly we try to cater to everyone's needs, so I will allow the axe, but add this surveyor's kit which includes a spirit level, okay?

I can supervise from my hammock, overhead, in the rafters, near the fireplace,

I've installed a brand-new air-cooling system designed by Termites of Oz.


I'd enjoy another milkshake. I wonder what an almond 'milk', coconut 'milk', soy 'milk & oat 'milk'' shake would be like?  Creamy like 'milk', yeah, really? That sounds so strange.  with a lopsided grin, [LRC's eyes are rolling around in their sockets.]

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Everyone……🤗hugs..


Plenty of gadgets in my magic 💼…it’s unlimited what I have stored in their, our imagination is our only limitations…..I think a nice high softly carpeted wrap around bench is possible Paws….I loved playing pool, never any good at it though, I liked the sound of when 2 or more balls collided together…


I was thinking and have bought in my rather large bubble sprinkler….being a hot day and if anyone is wanting to cool off, (I know I do), then bubble sprinklers are the best…one end goes into our beautiful running stream, the other end (sprinkler end) is placed in the middle of out courtyard…it’s sensory, that way we don’t waste water, walk, run,skip,cartwheel near it and it sprays out cool fresh water, mixed with bubbles filled with tiny ice particles.…no slippery soap in this sprinkler……the slippery soap and a long plastic tunnel is  on the other side of our courtyard…you can slide through that first, then wash off under the bubble sprinkler…before sitting on the tables and chairs which are set up under the huge willow tree…right next to an amazing ice cream machine, flavours are your imagination and right next to the ice cream machine is a huge fruit tent…filled with every fruit you can think of….I remember when I was younger, how I used to mash up vanilla ice cream and chocolate topping then stir it around until it resembled a soft serve ice cream, creamy and smooth…


Today, though I think I’ll have some vanilla ice cream, topped of with fresh Strawberries and Kiwi Fruit.….Will I squish it all around together and make a smoothie out of it?….Hmm maybe, I’ll just indulge my inner child today….😁 everyone is welcome to enjoy today under a bubble sprinkler, sliding through the slippery tunnel, and having the ice cream of your dreams…


Grandy.. 🍦 🍓🥝.