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The BB cafe
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The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.
The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.
Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ...
So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...
Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open
At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe
Important Message from ModSupport:
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads.
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Hiya Chookie - would you like a decaf? 🙂
If I could send you the rain I would hun. I think 27 is the perfect temperature too. Hubby (The Pom) finds it a bit hot. He's just arrived home - wet and soggy as predicted. Drizzly rain is his natural habitat. It still puzzles him that, as he says, 'we don't do drizzle here, do we. It's no rain, or pouring'. Yep.
Glad you had a nice Christmas hun. Funny how there's such a build up to it and then it's over so quickly!
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Hello again everyone. How's business been so far Kazzl? I'd love a nice hot Chai Latte. I dont do coffee, never liked it. So until Chai Latte came along I was always the bore who went to a coffee shop and ordered a pot of tea.
Cricket just started, so I hope you have the tele tuned into Channel 9 out the back? Only an hour's delay due to the morning rain in Melbourne, so not too much time lost. In case you havent heard, the Aussies are batting. I'm hoping Warner gets his century today, and Smith finds his best form again.
Yggy your vege garden sounds lovely. We used to have a good vege patch when we were on the farm, but now it all seems like more trouble than its worth. All the beetles, bugs and caterpillers seem to beat us to it all.
We have some nice fruit trees though. Lemons, oranges, persimmons, mangos, macadamia nuts, plums and grapefruit (which noone seems to eat). And at the moment we are fighting off the birds to try to keep a few bunches of nice white grapes for ourselves. Although I think it will be a losing battle! I have just tied an open ended bag onto a few select bunches, so it may help for long enough for them to ripen enough to pick.
How's that Chai Latte coming along Kaz? Dont need anything to eat, still stuffed from yesterdays lunch.
I'll go out and watch Warner batting for a while, he's started really well. So could be an exciting morning's cricket. I went to Days 2 and 3 of the Ashes boxing Day cricket about, gee, maybe 8 years ago? It was great. Wonderful atmosphere. And I've also attended a few AFL games at the MCG. Great venue, I love it.
Hold that Chai, and I'll see ya later.
Sherie x
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Hiya Sherie
Your chai latte is ready when you are. Sorry it took a while, I had to find out how to make it (I'm new at this cafe business y'know). And, while I was off having 'how to make chai latte' lessons, David Warner went and got himself out! We're doing OK though, 1 for 122 at the moment.
It's raining and raining and raining here. And cool, I even needed a rug on the couch for my nap, errr, I mean chai latte lessons.
You grow mangoes? How fabulous. Are you in Queensland? Bring some into the cafe and I'll make some mango mousse. Yum.
I'm still a bit overstuffed from yesterday too, but that's not stopping me nibbling. Don't think I've eaten one healthy thing today. Oh well, I have a cherry later. Need to find some ways to use up the enormous ham too. Suggestions welcome ...
Hope everyone is having a peaceful day today.
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Sherie, I posted a reply to you earlier but it hasn't arrived. At least I think I did. I use an ipad and it's a bit dodgy sometimes being a touchscreen thingy. I sometimes don't know if I've hit post properly.
Anyways, your chai latte is awaiting - hope it's OK, I don't really know how to make fancy pants new fangled beverages :-). Maybe you could teach me? Lots of people at work love chai latte. It does smell nice.
Anyone seen Shelly Anne today? I got some Milo in specially for her ... pop in if you're about hun.
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Hi there Kaz,
I posted my msg above about 3 hours before it finally appeared. So maybe yours is the same? I think the moderators are taking a well earned break! Cant blame them.
Yum, I do like Chai Latte, thankyou. Its nice and kinda spicy, in that it is cinnamon and other indian type spices. Thats one of the best things about it I think, the smell. Love that spicy aroma. But its still made from tea leaves. I dont know how they make the really fancy ones. But I do buy one of those ready made ones from Liptons. Its in a sachet similar to what some special coffees are in. So it comes with powdered milk additive, so you just add hot water, and maybe a little extra milk if you like. Not as good as some of the ones you get from cafe's like yours, but still okay for a home brew.
Have I seen Shelley Anne today? Yes I believe I saw her somewhere this morning. Maybe mistaken, it may have been last night. I like milo too and sometimes have a cup in winter. But I see it as more of a winter thing. If you're around Shell - hello. Hope you're okay.
Have you been watching the cricket? After losing Warner early, we have Burns and Kowahja doing pretty well now. Starting to pick up the pace a bit, after a slow start from both of them. I'll bet a lot of people would have been really disappointed about the early loss of Warner.
Alrighty, thanks again Kaz, I will check back in later. But dinner to prepare now. Making a quiche. Using the last of the Christmas ham of course! And we'll have it with salad. Its getting quite warm here again, so salad definitely the go.
Hope you see Shelley sometime today. Tell her I said goodaye, if you see her. I see that Elizabeth hasnt been in either. Thats a shame as I think this would be good for her. She is doing things pretty tough at the moment. I note that she has not reponded to my last post on her other thread either. I hope she's okay.
Catch you next time.
Sherie xx
Sherie x
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Hi yggy,
Sounds like you have a big day with the veg, do you have a large veggie patch ?. I need to wait till next season to start growing some veggies.
How cool is it when your ewe's have multiple lambs!! the mum that dropped this morning had a set of triplets, 2 ewe lambs and 1 ram lamb they were all healthy and all had a good dose of cholstrum during the day so they should be fine.
My mob consists of 100 ewes 50 commercial and 50 stud animals and 1 commercial ram his name is Wilbur and also 1 stud ram his name is Mr Tibbs, I am also fattening 27 ram lambs at the moment they will be ready for sale and work in 4 or 5 months or so.
I run Dorper Sheep, what fantastic mums they are looking after there off spring so well and are really protective as you might know having sheep of yourself.
The rain we had this morning was needed badly, and it's cool here today a relief from the heat of late, what a real disaster the fires were in Victoria I feel so sad for them all, at least no one was hurt.
Catch you later for a chat yggy and hi to all at the BB cafe.
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Hi there Wayne,
Your dorper stud farm sounds great. And soon to have a house too! Wilbur and Mr Tibbs have a great job there. Yes I believe that dorpers are great mums, unlike Merinos who are the absolute pits. If there is a drought on I've seen many just drop their lambs and walk away. Dreadful mums they are. Triplets - lovely.
Hey Kaz, I see that your earlier post came through at last. Slotted in above the other one that you sent afterwards. Obviously some holdups happening here today.
No, I'm not in QLD. I live on the mid north coast of NSW. A good climate for any of the tropical fruits. There is a good crop of mangos on this year too. I personally dont like them, being the only fruit I dont like. But hubby likes them. I had a good feed of cherries for my lunch - yum. And quiche lorraine and light salad for dinner. Used up the last of our ham now, so dont know what we'll do for sandwiches, salads and omelettes from now on. Will have to send hubby out to try to win another ham at our local pub raffles. Thats where we got our last one.
We have some light rain here this evening as well. Just came in around 6pm or so. Some storms around, but they have missed us.
Been watching the Cricket Test, which finished up pretty good. Entertaining at times, a little boring at others. Its a pity poor old West Indies arent a little more competitive. I remember when they were unbeatable as a team. But I suspect I'm somewhat older than most of you here. ( :
Catch you again soon.
Sherie xx
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Good Evening everyone.
One flat white please, no sugar. Christmas day was quiet at my daughter's. Today (Boxing Day) I entertained the family. or at least three of my children plus spouses and eight grandchildren. Great day! One of my granddaughters left for New Zealand this afternoon to join a contingent of Aussie Venturers for a Venture in NZ. No idea what the weather is there but it was very warm in Qld.
Great day with the family but I am now exhausted. Going to bed soon to recover. I have some mince pies to offer with your coffees. Made by my daughter who went to a huge amount of effort to make today great.
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Hi Sherie,
Sounds like you live in paradise !!! Funny thing I moved from mid north coast to the riverina a tree change so to speak but i did have acres on the coast, plenty varieties of birds & pythons,qualls and a few bears, have you much wildlife at your place?
DId not get to watch any cricket but managed to see the start of the Sydney /Hobart it was a great start, must watch more tonight.
May the force be with you all.
STS aka Wayne xx
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Evening all - just popped in for one of Mary's daughter's mince pies before bed. Thanks for a great first day at the cafe.
Sleep tight all, see you tomorrow.