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The BB cafe

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The BB cafe is open for business!
Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum.

The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here.

Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... 

So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ...

Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely
Don't sit at home just mopin'
Come on down to where the friendship flows freely
You know the door is always open

At the BB cafe
Come to the BB cafe
They will help keep your blues at bay
At the BB cafe

Important Message from ModSupport: 
The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads. 

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Community Member

Kaz is greeted warmly at the door, with a hug. I like what you have done, it's beautiful. Nice and airy with the windows opened like that. Thank you so much for the milo, it's just how I like it, with lots and lots of crunchy stuff on the top. Yummy yum yum.

Thanks I would love to sit near the window.

Just relaxing here, enjoying the fresh breeze, on my hot face...And smiling at some familiar people. Ah nice and peaceful... Delightful scents are floating over, of a mixture of different coffees......

I am just closing my eyes, and imagining my own private  thoughts of your new BB cafe Kaz. So I hope that is OK?




Would anyone care for one of these chocolates, they are the"Lindt"brand? Someone gave them to me for Christmas.  But it is no drama, if you don't want one, for I am quite happy just sitting here, eating them all myself......

Community Member

Good evening everyone,

can I just sit here and watch the people entering and leaving the cafe? I do not really want to order anything and sometimes I just want to sit here and think. I must admit that our little cafe is very busy, at times too busy for myself, so please excuse me if I do not answer quickly.

Kazzl, Sherie, Wayne, I love my veggie garden. It is definitely worth investing hard work into our veggie patch - which is fairly large, we grow most of our veggies and a little bit of our fruit. Our fruit trees are still very young, but I am sure soon we will get more and more fruit.

Sherie, good idea with the bags, I tie netting bags around my blackberries as soon as the fruit start growing, that helps and it is great because the ripe blackberry falls in the bag.

Wayne, I am glad to know your triplets are going strong. They are so tiny when they are born, it always amazes me how fast they grow. Our mother sheep was a merino / dorper and she was a great mum. Our mother sheep was a pet for us, so she was quite tame and did not mind us to come close to the lambs. Unfortunately we lost her this year and we are not sure if we will have any sheep after the lambs are gone. I will really miss the sheep. What is the difference between commercial and stud animals? How big is your farm? Do you have enough rain and the grass is growing nicely?

Good night all, Yggy x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Interesting, you've redecorated, not sure if I like it. Still what a lovely crowd. The cool change today makes for improved sleeping... that might be next.

Community Member

Hi all,

I am just on my way to bed after a fairly quiet boxing day.  Thought I'd pop into the Cafe on my way past to see who's about.  Good to see a few new faces too.  Hi Mary, Iggy, CW's.  Nice to see you all again.

Hey Shelley, great to see you here tonight.  I was in a few times during the day and was disappointed not to have seen you.  Glad you made it in the end, to have your specially made milo.  Maybe you try one of Kazzl's Chai Latte's with me next time?  Its good.  Thanks for the offer of the lindt chocolate, but I really I couldnt deprive you of them!  Enjoy..........

Oh hello Gruffudd, just saw you pop your head in the door.  Welcome, nice to see you again.  What dont you like about the decorating?  I liked it.  Still each to their own I guess.

Hi Wayne - it's hardly paradise, but nice.  A bit different from the farm.  We had a fine wool merino farm between Yass and Goulburn.  But we sold 6 years ago when hubby decided it was time for him to retire, and we moved to some better weather up here.  We only have 3 acres here, but lots of bird life.  Especially love the kookaburras. And there are some koala colonys not far away.  We live about 20 minutes drive from the nearest beach, which is nice.  But at the end of the day I really am a farm girl, and would like to be back there again.

Anyway nite everybody.  I hope to see you all again tomorrow perhaps.  Thanks Kazzl for your great idea of starting a cafe.  I think its had a very successful launch today.  

See you all tomorrow.

Sherie x


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Morning all, better get the coffee, tea, chai latte, milo, bonox on ...

I see a few people popped in for a late night snack 🙂

Hi Gruffudd - what's wrong with the decor? I bet it's the bright orange wallpaper ... or maybe the lime green tables? Maybe the zebra stripe throw rugs on the pink lounges? At least there's no hipster-style milk crates, and drinks come in a proper glass not a jam jar. Unless of course you want a jam jar, we have them too. And milk crates. They're out the back in a storage room. Full of milk, cos that's what milk crates are for.

Cool and windy in Our Nation's Capital today. But always perfect weather here at the cafe, whatever your definition if perfect is, that's how it is.

Right, coffee's made, croissants are warming in the oven ...

Community Member

Morning Kazzl, I was just wandering by and saw you were open.  Its actually cool and windy here today too.  Cool is good, windy not so good.  Anyway I like the decor here, please dont change a thing.

I would love a nice hot cup of english breakfast or dilmah black tea.  With proper loose tea leaves, not tea bags. And a real tea pot.  Dont you hate it when you get a pot of tea, only to find tea bag tags dangling out of them? First cuppa of the day has to be ordinary black tea.  White, no sugar thanks Kazzl.  Need it to wake up a bit after very little sleep last night.  Couldnt shut the brain down unfortunately, so I'm pretty tired now.

Oh, and yes thankyou - I'd love one of those croissants.  Just lightly warmed up, nice an crispy, with butter and strawberry jam please.  Yummo..........  And I'll be out on that comfy sofa out the back, it looks very inviting. Noone else there yet, but if any of my friends arrive, please send them out to me.  I actually feel like a chat.

Hope business is thriving for you today Kazzl.  But when do you get to have a break from the Cafe?

Sherie xx


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hiya Sherie hun

I'm here for a chat if you're still around. Waiting for the cricket to start. 


Community Member

Hi there.  Yes, I'm still here.  Took a while for my post to appear though.  I posted it at 7.30am.

Do you have anything planned for today?  I mean in real life, as opposed to the Cafe side of things.  We have been invited to a lunch today.  Half an hours drive away, out towards the beach.  I'm sure it will be nice once we get there, but at the moment I'm really not looking forward to it at all.  I'd much rather stay here at the cafe on this comfy sofa, and wait for some of our friends to arrive.  And relax watching the cricket with you when it comes on shortly.

Anyway I will be able to watch the first session before we have to leave for lunch.  I am really hoping Smithy makes a ton today.  But I think I said something similar about Warner yesterday.  And look what I did to him, really put the mokka on him, and he got himself out.  I was happy that Burns and Khawaja (never can spell that name) got their centuries though.  They are both fairly young and need to step up.  I expect you'll be showing the cricket on your tele at the Cafe?

Cafe is pretty quiet so far this morning.  Morning tea coming up though, should get a few through the door then.

Sherie x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Ooops, been so busy I've forgotten to feed the ipad. Hungry thing ... best plug it in for a while. 

Back later ... cafe's still open though - it's a community cafe, not mine, and it's always open. Help yourselves. xx