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Sunday likes

Community Member

Hi All,

Love to hear about others love's of Sundays.

Love getting up to a cool Sunday not too early and spending it with people you love.

Have an enjoyable Sunday lovers.


8 Replies 8

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Shared family breakfast.

We're all adults now, each with our own busy lives during the week. But we still share a family breaky on Sunday.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Gen,

Thanks for your post and love hearing about how people spend their time!

Most of my Sundays are cleaning day! Blerg! So that's not very exciting.

Some of the things I love to do though are curl up with a good book, get some fresh fruit and vegetables at the market (there's this great place nearby that do huge strawberries!), catch up on some TV episodes and do some baking.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Gen,

My perfect Sunday is to have a slight sleep in till around 9:30am, get up and get ready and then head on down to the South Melbourne markets. Once I arrive it's breakfast time so I line in the queue at South Melbourne Dim Sims and order myelf 2 fried dim sims with soy sauce and sirachua sauce. I patiently sit down and enjoy every bite as if it's my last. Once I've stuffed my face, I then go for a peruse and check out the local produce and gather anything that tickles my fancy. Fast forward an hour and it's time for a coffee in a specialist coffee shop. I head to the deli and order different cured meats whether it be salami, ham or chicken and walk around tasting all the different mixes. It's now lunch time, the $10 chicken burrito on the outskirts beside Simply Spanish is to die for!!! The music, atmosphere, food and setting is my ideal Sunday!

Community Member

Hi RandR

Oh yes i do love pottering around markets, especially secondhand markets. Produce markets are great too, generally cheaper than supermarkets and so much to choose from.

Last Sunday my two sisters and i went to a food market with all sorts of dishes from different countries. If anyone lives in Brisbane or you are visiting, give the Eat Street Market a go. Best not to eat before you go because you will be full when you leave. Love how it is pet friendly, music and family friendly.

Have to love Sundays,


Community Member

Hi Sunday lovers,

What an awesome Sunday, after talking to someone at work about bushwalking and asking if they enjoy it i was ask to go for with them and their partner.

Boy was it a challenge after reaching the top of the mountain it was well worth it.

My legs went to jelly after finishing but i slept like a baby and feel so relaxed today.

Sunday lovers give it a go.


Community Member


Love those wet cold Sunday mornings? Those sort of Sundays are meant to be snug as a bug in a rug and being very relaxed.

Hope your Sunday was an enjoyable one for all [hot or cold, fast or slow]


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi gld and all,

Your bushwalking sounds intense! I can feel the leg burn from here ha!

My Sunday was quite busy - long weekend here; so we used it for some home renovations; bit of painting and putting up some frames on the wall. Funny how such a small thing can make a big difference to the space.

Do you plan your Sundays?

Hi romantic and other sunday lovers,

Sunday is my day for enjoyment and relaxation.

I do not always plan my Sundays but when i do it gives me something to look forward to. Planning is good as long as you do not beat yourself up, if your things do not go to plan.

I do agree when do painting and changing what are on the walls it gives it a new look and a sense of achievement. It also kick starts motivation for me.
