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New Years Eve humour

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi fellow travellers

I have brought something amusing into my life today I thought I'd share it with you and perhaps you may be able to do something similar.

I have always wanted to be left-handed.  I sometimes wonder if my parents forced me into right-handedness?  

So today I bought a left-handed diary for 2014 and I'm going to write a task for myself to complete each day with my left hand.  My left hand doesn't write well at all, but I'm thinking perhaps a little sentence each morning my left handed writing may be legible by next New Years Eve.

So I was thinking perhaps you may all have something a little left of centre that has been unfulfilled in your life.  Maybe you'd like to join me in 2014 in finding a way to honour the whacky-ness in yourself?

I'd love to hear from you my friends

Wishing you all well


8 Replies 8

Community Member

Hi Amamas

Great idea ... and as my brain isn't overly functioning good today (gee, that's a beautifully constructed sentence ... good work Neil) I'm going to take on the challenge you've provided.

I'm going to get an exercise book and I will write a sentence in that each day (when I do up my daily diary entry each evening) and that sentence will be in left hand mode.  Good times.  🙂

My nephew a few years back committed to doing a minimum of 50 pushups each day for the entire year and he was able to complete that.  I've done similar, but at times, injury forced me out of doing the full 365 days thing.

But hey, if 50 is too much, why not halve it ... or do something similar with crunches, etc?   10 crunches and 10 pushups each day for the year?

I love this concept Amamas,




Vegetarian Marshmallow
Community Member

One of my life goals is to be ambidextrous, too 😄 .  I don't do it every day, just off-and-on.  I write poems, prose, doodles, and (if I haven't done the former three and just feel like writing something) diary entries almost every day anyway, so every now and then I just do one of those left-handed.  I also sometimes eat left-handed, and play (at a severely reduced ability) guitar and bass left-handed.  The other skills that won't come in useful very often but that I still want to learn for the sake of amusing myself are: Latin, Italian, keys, and drums (uh well.. really, all the instruments ever invented, but those two are the priorities).

This year I've added "walking on my hands", so when my legs get tired I can keep walking 😄 .

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Neil

AWESOME!!  By the end of the year we'll have to find a way to post a left handed sentence online somehow and see whose is the most legible!

Challenge on!

Good luck!!!

Cheers Amamas

Gday Odin

I can't wait to hear how your walking on hands skill progresses throughout this year!

Cheers Amamas

Community Member

Hey Odin’s Beard (and cute kitty)

That’s a pretty impressive list of things you’ve got going there. 

I’ve watched quite a bit of the Crossfit Games challenge recently and one of the daunting tasks that they have to do (amongst other things) is to walk on their hands for 100 metres.  The balance, the strength, the power, the balance … wow, I just bow to them.  I look forward to hearing about your quest.

Oh and my first few attempts at writing left handed have looked like (a) a 103yo writing, to (b) a 83yo writing who is blind drunk.  Pretty much illegible.



Ps:  this post was bought to you by Neil who was indeed, typing left handed.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Amamas, when my twin and I were in the same class room which I always wanted because of my lack of security at junior school, I always picked up the pencil with my left hand, the teacher always told him, 'if Geoff picks up the pencil with his left hand and starts to write, then hit him', which he never did, but I was aware for his intentions, and if I did he would just tap me.

My eldest brother is ambidextrous, plays golf right handed but writes left handed. L Geoff. x


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Rock on Neil!!

Thanks so much for the giggles!!

The end of year big reveal is going to be very interesting or should I say amusing!!

Cheers Amamas


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello sweet Geoff

So, did you manage to maintain you left-handedness?

Weren't people crazy back then thinking there was anything wrong with being left-handed???

Are you going to join in this whacky year long quest geoff?  There must be something slightly unusual you've always wanted to try or even get better at.

Cheers Amamas