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Did You See, Hear or Do something that gave you a bit of a happiness feeling?…
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Hello everyone,
I thought I would start a thread because I have been trying to look for something each day that gives me a feeling of warmth/happiness/joy/peace…you know, that feeling, the one that’s hard to find when we’re going through a rough patch of depression, anxiety or when our mental health is not the best…
For me it was seeing sheep, not just one or two but lots being moved along the road to another paddock by working dogs and a farmer whistling out commands while driving an atv….Those dogs were amazing to watch and they made me feel so happy that I got to see that…. a few years back, I had to drive through a large herd of cows….both times were scary and exciting at the same time…
Has something you’ve seen or done recently given you even a tiny bit of a feel good feeling?….did something you do for someone else give them a happy moment.
Kind thoughts, with love and gentle hugs with care..🦋💜🤗🌈.
Hugs everyone….🤗🤗.
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Hello Everyone 🤗🥰
Grandy, that’s a lovely story about the three little boys in the shop today. You have reminded me of a fish shop I went to recently. The woman who runs it had her little son with her. He was getting a bit tired and grizzly, so she held him up so he could scan the items I was buying with the scanner. He cheered up quickly and felt important doing a job. I told him how good he was at it. He’ll be well versed in shopkeeping if he wants to do that later. So that is a feeling of warmth and happiness I remember, even though it didn’t happen today.
Happy Sheep, that’s totally reasonable not to have a sheep picture! Goats are great characters aren’t they. I have been in a pen with goats and found them tugging at my backpack and clothes. I’m trying to go one way while a goat is trying to tug me in the other direction to chew on my backpack strap. I’ve seen videos of goat yoga (doing yoga with baby goats) which is cute and entertaining. I’m not sure how cow yoga would go? Maybe cow meditation 🤔 Just hanging out with cows and meditating seems to work in my imagination somehow.
Have a lovely evening everyone 💖
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Hello Grandy & everyone.
Off on a tangent a bit, (although I do enjoy all the great moments you all have to share here), mine today was in my support worker's car. He turned the radio to a classic music station & they happened to be playing 'Pictures at an Exhibition' byModest Mussorgsky. It was the orchestral version & at first I wasn't sure what it was, but it came to me & I was happy to hear Ihad identified the piece, just hearing a little of it, near the end. It's one of my favourite pieces - especially the 'Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens'. It's so cute & always makes me smile.
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Hello MK,
I love Pictures at an Exhibition too, especially the opening part with the trumpet in the orchestral version. Then the strings come in which is beautiful. I couldn't remember the 'Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens' part so just found a version online and had a listen - yes, very cute.
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Hello HappySheep, Eagle Ray, mmMeKitty and everyone….🤗..
Im pleased ER, that I sparked a happy memory for you, the little boy’s mum sounds very caring and just by you praising the young boy, you made his day even brighter…
Anything that gave you a feeling of peace, happiness, etc even if it’s music, is nice to hear about…, how nice you liked the music your support put on for you…music I heard soothes even the meanest beast, so imagine how it soothes our souls when it’s running up and down that Big Dipper of mental health….I’m not much of a classical music person, I do like some of them but find it hard to listen to the music…it’s kind of to loud/noisy for me….to calm me down…
Awe HappySheep, I like sheep…not the smell that lingers around them…little lambs are so cute and funny when they play, I had a goat, oh my they are also so funny but also very clever and intelligent…my other dog who has passed away, was best friends with Billy* and they stayed together constantly…unfortunately I had to rehome Billy..
The past few days at work have been a struggle for me…The air conditioning isn’t working properly and it’s hot in the shop…everyone seems cranky and short tempered…I was asking our customers if they wanted a cup of cold water…to my surprise, so many said yes and we’re grateful for something cold to cool them off…my boss..well ex boss.. now my Welfare boss told me that I was doing a nice thing…that made me feel good…
Long post, I know and I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m feeling lonely and sad…just wanted to talk as I have no one here in r/l to talk to…I kind of bombarded you all…
Hugs, love and care everyone…🤗💜🌹..
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Very Larson - cows just hanging out meditating. Hilarious.
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Thanks everyone, very uplifiting and cannot wait to listen/watch, Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens. Even if I never see it, just knowing it exists fills me with hope.
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Hi Grandy, So sorry you had to rehome Billy, that must be one of the hardest things ever.
My little puppy (10 weeks now) is an absolute unexpected godsend. I had three dogs and two of them died within the last six months. Both had to be euthanized for separate reasons. One had been with me for 14 years, the other 12. I knew I'd have to get the remaining dog a friend eventually but was not ready for another dog but knew someone who rescued a litter of tiny puppies. So when she asked if I would like one ...
After several weeks of completely ignoring him, Dog 1 and Puppy are now the best of friends. It's so wonderful to watch Dog 1, who spent the first half of her life with much older dogs, now revert to being a puppy herself. So full of energy. She steals all his toys and climbs on the couch with them to tease him because he cannot reach. No need for tv when you have puppies.
I love the way you have handled the lack of air con in the shop and made everyone who comes in, feel a bit better about the world. What a wonderful way you have about you to make a positive impact on people!
I've had a very good/bad couple of days. On the good side - I bit the bullet and handed in my resignation at work. Such a massive relief. On the bad side, my boss has been playing silly buggers and I have no idea what she is saying about me and my extended sick leave etc.etc. The really fabulous plus side is that I bit the bullet today and phoned a couple of work colleagues to let them know. I have been ashamed and embarrassed about being on leave and knowing my boss will have been scapegoating me for some crisis stuff that's been happening. Turns out I was wrong and catastrophising (Who, me ??? 🤣) I had some really lovely conversations with people I thought of as colleagues but who obviously thought more than that of me. Sometimes ya just gotta have the courage to risk yourself! So very positive in all.
Do you know what else I've done in the past couple of days that has been amazing and may interest some of the rest of you (maybe not those with PTSD). The Australian War Memorial has a new volunteer program that I've joined. They scan all these old diaries and letters and they are asking volunteers to transcribe them. It's brilliant. Ive spent the last couple of days reading the diary of a man in the Boer War and the love letters written by a soldier in WWII. From his letters it sounded like his girl was losing interest and then, next letter, he's a POW in Germany, then we get a letter she wrote to him ... And I have no idea if he ever made it home or they got together. But it has been great fun and really important to play a (tiny) part in transcribing these docs for posterity.
Hope everyone else is finding some joy in the world.
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Hello Everyone 🤗
That’s so lovely of you to offer water to people Grandy. I’m sure that was very much appreciated. And you haven’t bombarded us at all! It’s always lovely to hear from you. I have felt extremely lonely and sad today myself. I have spent most of it crying (sorry, I know this is meant to be a good things thread). But wanted you to know I’m sending you a big hug of support 🤗 On the good side, I had to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy and the ladies there were so kind to me. Also, one of the townspeople told me he has just got his children a new puppy 🐶 But on the same day he brought the puppy home his wife told him she was pregnant, unexpectedly. He had almost brought home two puppies and is glad now it was just one, as they are going to have their hands full with a new baby. But they are happy 😊
OMD, that is so true about Larson and the cows. My cousin had a couple of Larson comic books and I remember rolllicking with laughter reading them. If I knew how to draw (which I’m definitely not good at) I think I’d love to make humorous cartoons. The imagination could run wild and it would be so much fun to draw it.
And Happy Sheep I’m so glad you have your puppy 💗 That’s so gorgeous your other dog is reverting to her puppy self. I lived at the back of a former landlord’s place and the situation was the same. Their older female dog was somewhat indifferent to the new puppy they brought home. But after a few weeks they were romping and playing, especially tug of war. I used to play a chasey game with them actually where either myself or one of the dogs possessed the tennis ball and it was a kind of hide and seek try and get the ball off me game. They gave me heaps of exercise. I agree, absolutely no need for TV with puppies! I’m really glad for you that you have had that support from your workplace. The volunteer job transcribing the war diaries and letters sounds fascinating. That’s wonderful you are doing that.
Lots of love and hugs to Everyone 🤗💕
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Hi ER and Grandy, I hope today is a better day for you both.
I just wanted to clarify, in case anyone is interested, the war memorial thing is online - google their website. So, anyone can log in, have a read, assist transcribing if you want - for five minutes or five hours. That's why it's so great. Available to anyone, anytime. No pressure and you don't have to leave home to have a look.
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Dear Happy Sheep,
I realised I have looked at the Australian War Memorial website before as I have a relative whose story is on there. He was killed in action in WWII aged 19. It gives a bit of a biography of him, where he grew up, trained and fought in battles. It is moving to read. It's great what you are doing. I haven't actually logged in before which may give me access to more things, maybe like what you are transcribing.
And Dear Grandy,
I hope you feel a bit better today. I have to honestly say I did not feel better today, but I know that just as the saying goes that what goes up must come down, that which goes down must come up, so I am doing my best to trust I will feel more up again soon. I am a bit better tonight anyway.
I did see some things that gave a happy feeling while out on a walk. The first was a little bandicoot who crossed onto the path in front of me and snuffled about. They are so cute! I just waited for him or her to finish their snuffling and go back into the bush so I didn't scare them away. I also saw quite a few kangaroos and birds as well. The special surprise with the birds was a little quail which I think was a Painted Button Quail from the size, form and movements of the bird. I was watching from a distance so I didn't scare him or her away. They are incredibly sweet. If you want to see how sweet they are you can google "painted button quail".
I hope you both, and anyone else reading, is having a lovely evening.
Take care and big hugs 🤗
Eagle Ray