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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Hello Croix, ER & everyone

I feel rather like that puppy just noe, so dozy & tired - think it's the new med, which is also not helping my legs as much as it's making me feel so tired. Is there anything else to try? I don't know. This tiredness is affecting my mood, too, & so, I think I'll be having another chat to this new GP & see what he says, tomorrow.

Plesant dreams to you all.



Eagle Ray
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Valued Contributor

Dear MK and Croix,


MK, I hope you get some good help and discussion with the new GP tomorrow. It’s so tricky with meds at times. I hope you sleep well with pleasant dreams too.


Last night I couldn’t help myself and watched the Goodies Loch Ness Monster episode. It was actually not on YouTube but on Dailymotion which can be a bit of a clunky platform. But I enjoyed the buffoonery and the actually kind of cute monster. There’s even a baby one that pops out of an egg at the end.


Hugzies and take care.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear MK~

I too hope you have a productive time with your new GP, there is nothing worse than having a medication that has side effects but does little actual good.


Have a 🐧 to bribe your GP to pay attention:)





Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Croix, ER & everyone

Thank you for your messages.

This GP continues to be more informitive, not rushing me & keeping to the 5 minute consult.

He reckons the drowsiness may diminish & so we con't increase the dose again yet. He'll see me again in a couple weeks. I'm still hopeful t;here will be more improvement in some symptoms, yes, indeed, provided the side-effects are manageable & tolerable - not making me feel worse & like I cannot do things I want anyway.

I came here this morning, which I haven't felt I wanted to do for quite a while, because I've been not waking up so very early & then not getting to sleep as I was a few months ago. I usually feel like writing here or for writing poems or little fiction at night. That has felt like 'my time'. I think I have to try something different, like mornings, before lunch, or before going out, which is a limiting sort of feeling to me.... 

Back soon



Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear MK,


I’m so glad your GP is not rushing you. It feels so much better when they are present with you and you don’t feel under pressure or dismissed.


There was a med I was started on in 2005 that took about 2-3 weeks to stop making me very drowsy and spaced out. My body did adjust and rebalance, so I hope yours does too.


Yes, sometimes it’s good to change patterns and try things at different times of day. I hope it’s been a good day for you MK. Hugzies 🤗

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Valued Contributor

Hi ER & Croix

Today was rather difficult. I ended up having a couple snoozes. My dinner is a bit late now, but I can cope with that.

I am going to try having more support from another support worker a few times per week. I think it may leave me feeling very exhausted, but I need to try, too, because, although I have a new NDIS Plan, it still does not cover all my needs. I am trying to include a mental health component, which necessitates more reports. I still want to be sure if my memory & concentration problems are the first signs of (maybe) dementia or something else, which is not related to the med I was using more before this recent med change. I've decreased one med, added a new med, & so far I'm not feeling any difference in my cognition or memory. My support co-ordinator & the OT think it's a good idea to track this stuff more. My GP has referred me to the Gerentologist again, but her first available appointment isn't until October.

Wheels turn so slowly ... meanwhile I continue to have the problem symptoms.

I had to have someone else come in today to help with some of the housework. Friendly & polite, okay, but so quick I realised she was not being thorough. Indeed, if I'd thought of it, I might have noticed she had not washed up some dishes I hadn't been able to do earlier. They were still there next to the kitchen sink when I went over there afterwards. She had also lest some things in the drainer. At one point, when I was saying about being thorough, as opposed to being quick, she said something about having been instructed in being efficient. I said I prefer thorough. I guess she didn't understand.

This is the problem when someone can't be there, & someone else has to come in instead, & I can't properly supervise them, & frankly, I don't want to feel I have to.

I can't expect people to be here exactly as scheduled, to never need to be away, for illness or family, or even if their car breaks down halfway here. Sometimes things happen. It is disappointing when the substitute support worker does not take as much care in the way they work as the workers I am used to.

& there has been a lot of noise around here today, too.

So, I'm feeling a little grumpy.

But you still get hugzies from me.


P.S. Thanks for the Pesky Penguin, Croix. Pesky Penguins like grumpy cats to spar with.

Eagle Ray
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Valued Contributor

Dear MK (and wave to Croix),


I’m sorry you had the difficult day and it’s frustrating when the support worker who came did not do things as you would like and as they are usually done. I guess if you had to deal with that person again and they were the same in what they were doing, you could give feedback to whoever was in charge of sending her. It’s almost like needing a schedule of what you would like done and how it’s usually done for someone new who isn’t usually there. It must be quite frustrating at times.


It’s good you have a range of people, like the OT and support coordinator, you can talk to.


 Despite their peskiness, perhaps Pesky Penguins could be trained to take care of things in your home. It would be quite lovely actually having cute little beings waddling about doing household tasks. I remember reading a few years ago about a rescued pet king penguin in Japan who would walk by himself to the fish market to get fish. The owners taught him how to do it and even attached a little backpack to him. The fish monger would give him a fish and then the penguin would turn his back to him to put another in his backpack to take home.


Anyway, I hope you feel better tomorrow 🤗

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Valued Contributor

Thank you, ER.

This morning, I had a good gym workout.

After returning home, made some lunch & watched some Jeopardy & some of the Garma Festival.  That kept me from going in for a snooze.

I wish so much that I could see the dances people were doing. I love to listen to the singing, with the clapsticks & Digeridoo. (Recently I have learned there are other names for the instrument, but I don't remember them yet.)

Afterwards there ws another show with discussion about indigenous theatre/movies which I found instructive. The whole question about what is or isn't an indigenous work is actually complex. & how audiences respond too, was discussed. Really got me thinking.

Anyway, after that, I went in for a snooze.

I love the idea of the penguin with the backpack going for fish at a shop! Sounds like one mixed up penguin to me.... any Pesky Penguins around my place better be wearing their little cat bell collars, or able to waddle very fast out of my way, but I imagine, more likely, they will simply prod me with their pointy beaks. 


I do want to contact the company, but that will have to wait until Monday.


Hugzies to you, Croix, Moon, & everyone


Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear MK,


I’m glad you had the good gym session and got to watch some good things on TV. One year I would like to go to the Garma festival. The other word for didgeridoo you might be thinking of is yidaki. I wonder if there is a way of enlarging things on the TV screen somehow. I’m really not sure how. But I remember my uncle who had glaucoma used to take photos of things that interested him and then enlarge them on his computer screen to see them better. It made me wonder about TVs, but obviously you would lose parts of the image on the edges.


Yes, those penguins should be wearing cat bells. When I got home this afternoon my neighbour’s cat was sitting on the shed eyeing off the birds. She is a beautiful cat with a dark grey coat. I don’t know what kind but she has piercing green eyes. I took a photo of her as I was carrying my camera. She has to look out a bit because there are possums about here and I’m not sure she’d come off well if she got into a stoush with one.


 I hope you have a restful evening MK. Hugzies 🤗

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi ER,

I cannot directly enlarge TV viewing, unless I use a magnifying glass, but that is of not much help anymore. With my complex eye condition, which include, glaucoma, but no lenses, nystagmus, damage from the sun, & because my eyesight is so poor my brain struggles to make what I see seem wholly accurate, odd colours appearing like an extra layer to the view, some quite intense, what I see isn't clear at all. I can look at part of the sceen & then not see the rest, until I refocus on another part.

I will zoom on my PC, & then see very much less of the entire view.

With the dancing there is simply too much motion & detail I lose.

Thank you, 'Yidaki' is the word I heard. I will do more research to help me remember. I gather there is a difference between the Digeridoo & Yadaki.

I forgot, earlier, when I first returned home, there was a short programme, showing the land, with some beautiful music. I couldn't read any info on the screen, couldn't see much detail, but it sure seemed wonderful.

It was a little like the 'slow tv' shows I've seen which tak e viewers on a journey, via train, or boat, car, or even sleigh. Mostly I can hear the mode of travel, but would rather hear the sounds of the land & sky. that's the only problem I have with them. (& that I can't read info on the screen).

That little show this afternoon while I was making lunch was very relaxing - with the music they had with it.

