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Croix Parler

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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere



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Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello MK,


Just an update. The stingrays managed to hold the iceberg down until the Exquisitely Fabulous, Famous Elephant arrived. She has plonked herself on the part of the iceberg that was tilting upwards, keeping it stable for now. I’ve fitted her and Croix with parachutes, so should the iceberg take off and there are any mishaps, They will be safe to glide back to earth/ocean. It’s a good thing elephants are good swimmers.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Raine76~

First off, welcome to the Forum, which is a good move on your part as it is full of sensible people who are happy to talk about their circumstances and provide comradeship and hope when one may be suffering or in doubt (except right here:(


Unfortunatly you have landed at the one place which has the two most notorious pranksters - ER and MK. While you are of course welcome here too it can leave one completely at sea reading their antics


I guess my iceberg is at sea all ready which may account for my incredibly forbearing and patient attitude.


I've not been to the Bay of Islands, though NZ gave me the best holiday I ever had, the  only disappointment being I never did locate Footrot Flats. Still and all Mrs C and I had a great time, hired a car and went from one back-packers to the next. The highlight of the holiday was in a cave on a lake in the south island, a galaxy of stars within




If you would like ot join the fun fine, similarly if you would like to talk about something more serious that 's fine too


To start off your linguistics have a glossary:

ER=Eagle Ray, MK's wiley henchperson

MK=mmMekitty, The evil genius behind it all, a sort of feline Moriarty

Croix=my handsome self (for a walrus that is)

We also have the inebriated kiwis (who snooze in corners and the pesky penguins that leave messes)


If you are wondering what this is all about it it is a means of balancing things. This Forum holds may sad situations and a ray of lightness can do no harm


Feel free to join in however you like





Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Raine, Croix & ER, & everyone

...& LRC = Little Red Cat, which is the name Croix gave me, but I think LRC is a younger version of me, rather like a pre-teen, maybe. LRC makes all the emojis comprehensible to Croix, who, like me, can't see them very well. I have a text-to-speech reader which tells me a brief description of them, but there are not nearly enough emojis to cover every possible situation, so, it seems just as well to give LRC the reins when it comes to emojis. [With a paw to the front edge of the brim of their hat, LRC grins "too right, mate".]


Ah, parachutes attached to Croix - I can see paragliding in your future, Croix.


ER, the trip sure sounds special. May your journey & days there bring you all the peace & joy possible.


Hugzies everyone


Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello All,


Croix, your mention of Footrot Flats made me think of another cartoon strip from a similar era. It was called Snake Tales and was set in the Australian outback. I remember finding it quite funny.


Thank you so much for your kind words MK in relation to my planned trip. I thought in relation to the iceberg I better make sure the elephant and Croix would be safe in the event of iceberg elevation.


Raine, I hope you don't think we are too crazy! Feel free to participate however you would like.

Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Actually I think the comic strip that I'm remembering enjoying is Swamp. I'm having a sleepless night so have just found that one again at swamp.com.au I think I liked that one better than Snake Tales. It's about the myriad creatures living in a swamp. Must try sleeping again now!

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Valued Contributor

Aw, ER, you got me thinking .... I don't remember Swamp, but I do have a vague memory of (thanks to Croix) Footrot Flats, & now, (because of your mention), Snake Tales ... & I'm remembering The Wizard of Id, & one about a cave man? I can't remember the name (at least not yet).

I grew up with Peanuts. (& blushing to admit it), the Archie comics.


'Crazy'? No, no, no ... just playing, which is in no way 'crazy', even though being able to imagine a walrus paragliding & Ef-Fe in her wonderful costume in the middle of an iceberg, trumpeting her aria a capella, with no microphone nor amplification necessary to be heard on the mainland, might make me wonder just a bit..But it coes no harm, so I don't care if anyone does think what we do is 'crazy'.

In circumstances which don't change easily or quickly, humour might be what keeps yu sane, until.

I have found it particularly sad when I've met people who have either lost their sense of humour, or maybe never had developed one duriing their lives.





this thread is familiar and comforting like a warm blanket. 

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear All~

Quirky: I guess you need a warm blanket on an iceberg, though I can give you a couple of penguins to keep you cosy 🐧🐧.(Do watch where you step though)


ER: I think that trip sounds great, the fact it is a journey though culture as well as distance lends it an extra dimension. Animals, scenery and people can make for excellent photography -and memories. I do have to admit on htat trip to NZ I mentioned Mrs C and I did not complete al we planned. There was so much of interest we stayed longer at each place and so time ran out. I'm not sorry though, everything from birds that fancied windscreen wipers to a boat going under a waterfall, more than enough.


I hope it all goes as you would wish and oyu enjoy yourself immensely


LRC: I have a feeling that cartoon strip was BC. You are right of course that humor is essential (which is why I put up with the two of you pranksters). Mrs C and I laugh a lot about silly little things and notice the rather barren difference when we visit others who do not laugh. I think it binds us together.


Raine76: I hope we can provide a little lightness in your life. If you felt like it we would like to know more about you, serious or funny, whatever you like.


What made you decide on that particular destination?





Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi everyone

Speaking of travel, I've an idea to pack up everyone from BB Cafe & from anywhere I can find them, & board Grandy's 🚂 (locomotive) vehicle & a box of a couple dozen episodes of The Waltons, along with fuzzy blankets, cocoa & mmMarshmallows & head for the icebert to have a night & day - at least 24 continuous hours - in front of Croix's fireplace, like one big sleep over/pajama party.

What do you all think of that?

If croix is out voted, we go ahead with the plan, okay?





Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Yippee! I say yes to an iceberg sleepover. I actually have a pair of penguin pyjama pants (in real life!). I wonder if there will be any pillow fights amongst the pesky penguins? 🤔🐧