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Croix Parler
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I'd like to use this pace for miscellaneous matters that don't fit elsewhere
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I'm glad to welcome you aboard to, The Iceberg Express, ER,
You can be the Pesky Penguins water polo team team mascot - they won't even have to sew a costume for you.
Note: for Croix & anyone else who cannot see the emojis ER has used, they are, according to my text-to-speech software, ":thinking face" & ":penguin". That's what it says in text when I zoom big enough & point my cursor onto each in turn.
I'd like to add ":pesky penguin polo player", but that one is not yet commonly available to the general public - only fans of the Pesky Penguins.
I was watching a show about Robin Williams, the comedian & actor, & was reminded how much I liked Mork & Mindy. But also how broad his pallet was, from that zany comedy to the serious roles he played. One of my favourite comedians/actors in an individual person.
Can we have Mork & Mindy playing during the trip? I will recall a lot, & won't have to see everything - just listening will be wonderful.
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Dear All~
LRKs and Eagle Rays (in penguin pajamas) are smallish and walruses are large. If a walrus was to roll over in his sleep (entirely possible) there might be unfortunate consequences 😞
The cocoa and mmMarshmallows sound ok, but hours and hours of the Waltons? Goodnight John-boy!
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We, ER & I, are slippery characters, too - just as slippery as any walrus, including you, so we we'll be sliding ;under while you slide over, no worries!
The Waltons are for Grandy, who was watching some the other day. I thought it is only fair, given that the (:locomotive) 🚂🚂 vehicles are hers & she taugt me to drive during a commercial break.
But, you know what - I'd be happy with 50 episodes of Mork & Mindy instead ...
I'm also enjoying a new series on NITV. I't's got vampires & is set in desert country Australia, Aussie cast, with some great acting from them. Sometimes the music is a bit too rough for my taste. I'm very glad it has audio description.
& earlier, I saw an ad on ABC about how they are going to offer (only some) programmes with audio description on Iview. That may work out well, because I don't always remember when to watch a programme on tele, so being able to watch with audio description is something I've wanted for a long time. The ad was rather funny, too.
Hugzies, & goodnight Croix.
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I love Mork and Mindy! I watched the same show about Robin Williams tonight. Just after he died I rewatched the whole first season of Mork and Mindy. It was delightful. What a wonderful idea for a sleepover. Also, I recommend Robin Williams encounter with Koko the Gorilla which can be seen on YouTube.
Speaking of large animals, I must say I’m a little apprehensive about potentially being squashed by a walrus during this sleepover. I’m trying to think of a solution. Perhaps we could convince Croix to sleep in a sleeping bag that secretly has super glue on the underside, thus securing it to the floor of the igloo? Therefore, any attempts at rolling sideways by the walrus will be thwarted. Another possibility is to build a fort of inebriated kiwis around him. They tend to sleep heavily and if there is enough of them they may hold the walrus in. If one of them topples from the kiwi pile/fort that is less likely to squash us than the mass of a walrus.
Speaking of sleeping, I must do the same now. Goodnight all!
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Nah, I'm not worried. I just figure I'm slippery enough. .... I'd rather not risk a kiwi beak in my back, or something.... but yes, a sleeping bag for Croix is a wonderful idea. Let's just find a measuring tape ... & presto! Here's one in rich purple velvet with silver 'zzz's & moons with faces, &a lining of polar fleece, & a couple tusk covers as well.
I reckon he'll sleep so soundly there will be no movement until morning, but if you really think so, we can glue him zipper-side down ...
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Dear ER and MK~
Yes you certainly are a pair of slipper characters and htere is no way I'm letting you near me with superglue, sleeping bag or no sleeping bag. Actually walruses do not use them, they have an excellent handsome fur coat instead.
I'm not sure about piling up inebriated kiwis eihter, htey are basically a round fuzzy ball wiht beak and feet, and are prone to hiccup. Any pile would quickly collapse as a result.
What's worse is they might take exception to being piled up and take suitable retaliatory action - like breathing on the offending couple. An inebriated kiwi's breath is very much something to be avoided. They have Halitosis, even without the toes.
As for the Waltons, if Grandy likes it then that's OK with me
John-Boy (after watching the pesky penguins):
"Santa Claus is gonna take one look at that bird poop and he's gonna head right back up the chimney."
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Evening greetings MK and Croix,
MK, I loved the sound of your special walrus-designed purple velvet sleeping bag with tusk covers. Croix would look delightful in it. But, alas, it seems there will be no getting him in it. And I must say, I’m terrified of kiwi breath, so I don’t think I’ll pile up kiwis after all.
The Waltons I have never seen but I’m most happy to see it. I looked it up and it looks like a classic. At least we seem to have Croix on board for that one.
I hope we can get some others on the Iceberg Express. The penguins are huddled in a corner sewing pillows together for their planned pillow fight, trying to hide the evidence from Croix.
I must remember to bring my toothbrush!
Goodnight for now 😴
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Greetings Croix and MK,
I sent a reply yesterday that seems to have disappeared. Maybe the iceberg has drifted into the Bermuda Triangle.
MK, I love the sound of the purple velvet sleeping bag with tusk covers. Alas, there seems no way of getting Croix into it. I’m also not sure I could cope with being breathed on by the kiwis either, so I won’t be trying to pile them up.
I haven’t seen the Waltons but looked it up and it looks like a classic, so most happy to watch it. At least we have Croix on board for that one.
Right now I can see pesky penguins huddled in a corner sewing pillows for their planned pillow fight, trying to keep it a secret from Croix. I think I heard them mumbling something about stuffing them with marshmallows.
I hope the locomotive can bring a few people. The stingrays have invited some crabs and lobsters along who are now clicking their claws with excitement. They have never seen a television or had a sleepover before 🦀 🦞 📺
Bye for now.
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Hi Croix & ER & anyone else playing along
Inded, the pillows ar filled with mmMarshmallows; Pesky Penguins need to pause for a snack every now & then.
We could have a whole season long festival of classic tele ... I'd begin with the original Star Trek, then continue will all original Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, Time Tunnel, Dr Who, Lost In space, My Favorite Martian, & The Land of the Giants ... just for starters.
& We'd have to have Skippy, if only to sing along....
Then we could go onto I Dream of Jeanie, The Flying Nun, Batman, Superman & Thunderbirds!
Do you think we need another season? Maybe this is a YEAR FOR OLD[TIME TV? Epic!
*(My apologies for the fact that most of what I've suggested are shows from USA - that's what I had when I was little. & believe me, there are losta other shows I could mention, if you let me ... I think we'd need several screens all around the iceberg)
Croix is perfectly right about the kiwis' atrocious halitosis, whether with toes, )with or without toe jam), or not. I think it must be all the ongoing fermentation going on in their guts. They really ought to see someone about that - their GP I would suggest.
For now, then, after the pillow fight, Ihave it on good authority, the Pesky Penguins are planning to surround Croix & oscillate him to sleep, or sickness. They'll be happy, whichever comes first.
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Oh MK I remember many of those shows well and fondly. A couple of others that came to mind were Gilligan’s Island and the Goodies. Actually, we could create our own show, Croix’s Iceberg. It could be about several creatures stuck on the iceberg unable to get off it. Ha ha!
A British show that comes to mind is Fawlty Towers. We could create one called Faulty Iceberg. I do believe, given the current shenanigans, that Croix may use the adjective ‘faulty’ to describe the current state of the iceberg.
But we must embark on these epic old-time TV sleepovers first for inspiration!
The pesky penguins seem to be ingesting a fair few of the marshmallows before they reach the pillow cases. I suspect the sugar is going to make them extra hyperactive. Goodness knows what effect that will have on their behaviour! It’s quite a contrast - hyperactive penguins and comatose kiwis. It will be a most interesting sleepover indeed!
I thought if Croix looks as if he is going to roll onto us in the night, we can hire the crabs and lobsters to give him a little nip, just enough to discourage him from rolling over without waking him up.